Free Party-trading!?

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again sorry if allready suggested but i wasnt finding it with the serch funktion!

verry simple!

now you heave to sell your prty members stuff, also when they cant afford it, to get them usefull equiped. could it be this way that trading between chars like the prisoner and all this "undie-able" companions(not the peasents and so) is free???

i mean what purpose has the system wich is now use??? there must be a reasont why you heave to sell(and buy it back) it to them and not freetrading between them??

does noone want freetrading?

it seems to me that everyone knows why its implemented, but noone will tell me :wink: :smile:

is it that handy to sell your companions the stuff instead of giving it to them?

i dont get it :?:

is it for roleplaying purpose?? than i say ok :wink:
NorphTehDwarf said:
I'd like to see free in-party training. It'd make good use of a couple NPCs of mine who I could then use as packhorses.
That's the main reason for not having free in-party training, It would open the door to some kind of micro-management.
Well, I think that Armagan is right.
Companions should NOT be used as pack horses... since you can get pack horses much easier, by simply buying them and placing in your inventory :razz:. They are companions, not slaves.
Current system is fair, and it's noted already that, if you'll keep upgrading their outfit (like you should, in theory) - it is not inconvenient in the slightest. And realistic too.
meybe my post above wasnt direct enough :wink:

i see the reason why its not implemented, and its a good one! :wink:
How about just having an inventory equipment screen displayed instead of their inventory, you place and move stuff about directly from their invetory instead of placing it in there backpack, end of pack mule problem.
Balor said:
Well, I think that Armagan is right.
Companions should NOT be used as pack horses... since you can get pack horses much easier, by simply buying them and placing in your inventory :razz:. They are companions, not slaves.
Current system is fair, and it's noted already that, if you'll keep upgrading their outfit (like you should, in theory) - it is not inconvenient in the slightest. And realistic too.

Good point. How about buying slaves to use as packhorses, or actual packhorses to use as packhorses, then?
How about buying slaves to use as packhorses, or actual packhorses to use as packhorses, then?
Slaves... :roll: And be slowed to a crawl? No thanks, I'll pass.
And about packhorses.... Well, what do you think sumpter-horse means? :razz:
People who choose the path of a trader move slow because of all the goods anyway, it's a feature that you wouldn't be force to use. And horses in your inventory only helps to lessen the speed penalty given by carrying trade goods, packhorses are entirely different.
*blinks* How different are they? AFter all, they are supposed to " helps to lessen the speed penalty given by carrying trade goods"?
I think that we should have free trade with party members. Yes, some people can abuse that to use them as pack mules... but for the most part, it simply makes changing their equipment a lot easier.
I mean, some of the "better" items actually cost less than some of the lower grade ones. So when giving a party member a new suit of armor, I take the old one from them, and still have to pay them like 100+ gold at times.
A packhorse would be a seperate member of the party which you could then use to carry your goods.
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