Free Horse!

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Ok, this may be slow of me, but I realised the other day that if your horse dies, you can just order your men off their horses at the start of a battle, then steal one of theirs... Cheap and nasty! :smile:
i'd like it if your soldiers appropriated the horses of fallen enamies. This would of course mean than all horses not knocked unconcious/killed in battle would stay, rather than fade away. Imagine the look of the second wave of Swandian Knights when a group of peasants on warhoses charges them :twisted:.
I didn't know this the other day and walked up to a dead enemies horse, tried to mount and the horse went see through. I have never gotten horses for loot, but haven't had enough battles to see it if/when it does happen.

I think whether or not a horse disappears depends on how many horses are already in the battlefield. Armagan says it takes up alot of memory to have horses hanging around, so if there are too many, they'll disappear.
I tried getting all my men to dismount their horses, then I mounted one of theirs.. and told all of them to mount horses and charge. Then the game crashed.

That lone Vaegir Knight must have been pissed off.
Hanbo said:
I tried getting all my men to dismount their horses, then I mounted one of theirs.. and told all of them to mount horses and charge. Then the game crashed.

That lone Vaegir Knight must have been pissed off.
LMAO !! :lol: thats well random :!: iv bin playing a while n i didnt realise you cud do that.... saves me paying 6-7k for a new horse each time one dies :razz:
thats a known bug. it seems to have something to do with the particular setup of the system/game, though, because it doesn't affect me. anyways, it should be fixed by the next version

edit: talking about the one above the last one. not the last one.
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