Free Games - Recomendations and updates galore

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Thanks! I heard lots of good things about this game, might as well play, since it's free and all. Also, people, I know it's not FREE, but tomorrow is reported for the Summer Sale to commence!
Whaaat? I love the Songs of Yuletide, and they only play around Yuletide anyways. The free music pack is compred of music by the inebriated  party Swede Carl Michael Bellman, and that's a real treat.
That is just the arena fighting combat bit and NOT the actual game in any way, shape or form.
But since combat is also the only the thing (apart from sound and visuals) that the game got down and right, you should probably try it if you're into lolololbois wrecking your **** in space ships.

Reading the comments it seems to be that it's bloody DoA anyway and so they try to generate some interest by making it free for a time.
(Disclaimer: Wellen is actively enjoying the full game at the moment.)
(**He also gets infuriated when whatever he's doing isn't making him millions of shekels.)
Alright, let's rant then. :razz:

I'm enjoying it, yeah.
Ignoring 90% of the content because before I quit last time I the rest meaningless bull**** that leads nowhere or just too mind numbing to be continued (i.e. "trading" which honestly should be called "transport" instead).

We went exploring that one time, that was cool. Will I repeat it? No, why would I? It'd be just more of what we already di, over and over and over with no new challenge or experience on the horizon.

I sorta like the "go to system X and find me Y of item Z". However, the time it takes for that mission instance is random. It can be ten seconds or an hour. Why? There is no gameplay mechanic that benefits from this it just makes them grindy and inefficient.
Oh and there's a good chance you get a "surprising" attack after exatcly the same pattern once you enter the instance. Likely by multiple, stronger opponents, so you leave and the RNG begins again. Never going to do any of those again outside of rank-up missions.

The combat missions are either RNG BS (failed a assassination mission because the required mission instance didn't spawn in the required time frame, **** yeah game design) or typical MMO "Bring me ten bear arseholes" missions.
Combat missions on planets have been borked since they released them, as in the required number of target will likely NOT spawn. So you either are a good boy and leabe and land over and over again or you say **** it and log in and out again.

Which reminds me, you can utterly cheese the game by hitting alt+F4. Getting ganked? Getting attacked by NPCs? Triggered the alarm in a mission? Alt+F4 saves you in every single instance. :facepalm:

The devs idea - you can find them actually, literally posting this, go look if you want to see it - of gameplay is more grind. They're fine with this, it's their idea of what the game should be. Instead of player driven stuff like EvE has so much of.

A major part of remaining playerbase and a humongous part of the forum population are hopeless brown-nosed ****tards, so there won't even be a change to any of this. Like the devs made the AI better and combat hard and for the first time genuinely exciting in the long term. Oh the **** storm this caused, the whining, the nerfing...
(the AI is still slightly better than before though, to be fair)

I've been getting progressively more frustrated with the game again and for the exact same reasons as before. Writing this post didn't help either.
**** the idiots at Frontier. And **** Elite.
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