FPS rate vs Graphic Card

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Maybe it isnt bug but im searching solution :

I have Windows XP SP2.
I had version 0.700 Mount&Blade and i had graphic card SiS IBM on chipset.
Game was ok... over 55 fps rate.

But i changed graphic card to AGP Asus Radeon A9200SE
and troubles was aproached....

first : Game was unable to startup : there was an information : No Render Device. I did an instalation of DirectX SDK 9.0 files...
And game started ...but ...

there was 0.00 to 0.18 fps frames rate. Horror.
I uninstaled old version of game and installed 701 version , also i did upgrade to 703 version.
But frame rate is still low : 0.00 to 0.18 again. Of course i cannot play.
What can help me ?

Ps. Im thinking about option : removal of Radeon and back to this horrible onchipset card ( but maybe there is other solution)
You haven't mentioned whether you've played with the game options... there is an editable text file when you first launch M&B which has some suggested settings based on how much VRAM your card has.
I used variation settings of texture_details, render_buffer_size (also 14) in this config file and still no effect. So this is must be a problem in something else
Chaos ...

Welcome to the forums, first of all. :smile: And secondly, have you installed the latest drivers for your radeon card?

Also ... have you tried to run any other game since installing the card and if so .... what kind of performance were you receiving?

Good luck,

Ave Narcissus.

im not quite sure but i installed latest driver from support.ati.com, so i can suppose its fresh one.
Also i installed Ati Advanced Driver. There's tousands of filetypes drivers to Radeons card...hard to decide on single one right now, but both drivers was from ATI page.

I have two other games with 3D at computer. One is working better then at previous graphic card.
Second one a bit worse ( but i changed resolution to 800x600 and now is ok).
Tommorow i will bring another game to make series of tests ..this time 3D Shooter and we will see.
Super busy at the moment or I would check for you ... but doesn't Asus put their own drivers out for their cards? You said that the drivers that you tried were directly from ATI ...

I'm not sure if the drivers are that much different.

I doubt that is causing the problem as you obviously aren't experiencing problems (like the one with M&B) with the other two games ... was just an after-thought.

Ok. I will search tommorow morning oryginal, latest driver for Asus Radeon and i will check it with M&B and all other games. Maybe it will help
I will gonna pray all night for this (rotfl).
Ave Narcissus and others.

I downloaded latest Asus drivers and installed. But this not resolved problems.
So i checked another idea from my head.
I uninstalled all ATI drivers. Restarted comp. And installed again only downloaded Asus driver. Restarted comp again.

Starting game. And FPS rate is over 150 :smile:
So end of the horror and i can play.
Thank You for Advices.
150 to 170 fps at cities and map.
70 - 80 fps at battle field.

Onboard SiS old card still on ( i didnt turned off this one)

Antivir software active, Outlook Express and GG communicator also :smile:
So ..not bad right ? :smile:

Settings of rgl_config :

texture_detail = 25
no_dot3_bumpmap = 0
render_buffer_size = 14

use_pixel_shaders = 1

show_framerate = 1
max_framerate = 170
disable_music = 1

rest is default
You should be able to up the texture detail without much problem, if the card has 128Mb memory you should be able to put it up to 75 - 100 without any performance issues.
Same with the render_buffer size. Try upping to 16 or 20.

Turning off the onboard card is a good idea too. The BIOS will still be assigning it memory, which decreases the amount of RAM available to the system. You'll possibly get a performance improvement, depending on how much RAM you have installed (512Mb - 1Gb you probably won't notice for M&B, but any other memory hungry programs should get a boost).
Ah man you get 150+ on a 9200SE? I must be doing something wrong with mine
Well,i don't believe that M&B is very video intensive, so the type of video card you use probably doesn't impact performance much (provided its not an old PoS card). I used to play halflife 1 with a GeForce3, and when i upgraded to my radeon 9800pro i noticed no performance increase whatsoever (even on mods and maps that did deliver a low fps). So i believe M&B performance is largly processor and RAM based. Although, i did recently upgrade from 512mb of memory to 1gig and only noticed a small difference, maybe +10-15% fps. Also, just to throw the numbers out there, i actually had another 512 chip that started giving me problems, but before it did i had 1.5gig of memory. And after running alot of the latest games (battlefield 2, Doom 3, Starship troopers, etc) on 1.5gig and then downgrading to 1gig i can tell you there was no decrease in performance on any of them. So, my analysis is that with games right now, there is really no point in having more than 1gig of memory (in case anyone was thinking about upgrading from 1gig to increase performance).
My game was laggy till i changed the rgl config manualy

first_time = 0

texture_detail = 100

render_buffer_size = 500

max_framerate = 120

start_windowed = 0

use_pixel_shaders = 1

use_vertex_shaders = 0

fake_reflections = 1

show_framerate = 0

use_ondemand_textures = 1

use_ondemand_textures_mt = 0

disable_music = 0

disable_sound = 0

disable_frequency_variation = 0

cheat_mode = 0

enable_blood = 1

enable_edit_mode = 0

force_single_threading = 0

debug_mode = 0

display_width = 1680

display_height = 1050

display_bits = 32

antialiasing = 2

sample_quality = 0

alpha2coverage = 1

force_vsync = 0

shadowmap_quality = 0

shader_quality = 0

postfx_dof = 0

postfx_hdr = 0

postfx_autoexp = 0

flora_degrade_distance = 75.0000

flora_lod_detail = 2

use_instancing = 0

use_secure_connection = 0

max_number_of_connections = 40

look_for_server_on_this_machine = 0

music_volume = 0.2160

sound_volume = 0.5515

mouse_sensitivity = 0.5894

invert_mouse = 0

enable_lighting = 1

enable_particles = 1

enable_blood = 1

enable_character_shadows = 0

enable_accurate_shadows = 0

number_of_corpses = 5

grass_density = 45

combat_speed = 2

friend_combat_difficulty = 2

adapter_format = 0

reduce_combat_ai = 1

reduce_campaign_ai = 1

combat_difficulty = 2

display_labels = 0

display_targeting_reticule = 1

display_attack_direction = 0

turn_camera_with_horse_in_first_person = 2

verbose_damage = 1

verbose_shot_difficulty = 0

battle_size = 1.9000

attack_direction_control = 2

defend_direction_control = 0

lance_control = 0

anisotropic_filtering = 1

enable_environment_shadows = 0

verbose_casualties = 1

verbose_experience = 0

realistic_shadows_on_plants = 0

number_of_ragdolls = 5

gamma = 2.2000

character_detail = 1.0000

character_shadow_detail = 0.0000

control_mouse_movement_y_scale = 1.5000

blood_stains = 2

use_winmm_audio = 0

enable_version_check = 1

enable_aspect_ratio_control = 1

realistic_headshots = 1

auto_gfx_quality = 0

My system
Pentium 4 3,21 Ghz
2000 mb RAM
GeForce 8400 GS

to point the effect out, well my game was laggin really bad with like 50 npcs on a forest area.
NOW i can play with up to 300/400 npcs depending on the landscape with no lag at all.

I can use polished landscapes now i dont know who think buffersize for the renders should me 16 by default but he should stop sniffing glue for sure...
Ive no clue what other settings may helped



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