Fowling blunts?

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This is such a minor suggestion that it hardly deserves its own topic, but I looked for a catch-all misc. thread and didn't see one.

Anyway, it would nice to have some sort of fowling blunt arrow included in-game. Since such a projectile is generally intended for non-lethal damage (with a dull lead-wrapped-in-leather tip), it could cause a small amount of blunt damage in-game. It would be heavier, of course, and would not fly as far as a typical arrow.

All in all it would be sort of a pain to use (low range/low damage), but it would be nice for those playing slavers; enabling a player to knock down those pesky bandits from a distance.

Of course, this could just as easily be modded in, I suppose; I just thought it would make a nice future addition to the vanilla game. Sorry if it's already been suggested. :smile:
well... blunt arrows have been suggest before, but it's not the arrows that determine what damage type is done. It's the bow. If you want a blunt-damage bow, go download the editor, and then load your .txt files in to it. Click items, then look for practice_bow. Select practice_bow, and then look on the right for a box that says "Sold in stores." Check this box, and you will find that bow in stores. It does blunt damage, and is now available from the weapon vendors.

If you don't wanna go editing things, then you're S.O.L. for now.
Ahh, so that's what you get in the arena? I saw this topic and thought, 'Well if you can get the Jousting Lance, it seems the blunt-damage arena weapons actually exist and aren't just an arena-only hack, so maybe the arrows already exist?' But it seems odd that the bow dictates damage type... a bodkin arrow is still rather pointy, whatever bow you fire it from. :wink:
It was probably because Armagan didn't forsee people suggesting the idea of arrows with bags of sand or an axe head on the end.

If you really want blunt damage ranged weapons that cost more than 8 denars, i'd suggest suggesting the sugestion of slingshots.
Heheh, knockout arrows. After thousands of years someone finally thought of that, this is truly a new and exciting age to live in.
it is weird, but u notice on bows it says "28p" and whatnot? the p stands for pierce. On arrows, they just say +1, +2, and +3. I personaly think it should be reversed, and blunt arrows added. You can, however, make your own bow using the editor or my tutorial on the mod discussion forum. When I tried to create a weapon using the editor, tho, it didn't work. So use my tutorial :smile:

EDIT: My tutorial was *DELETED* which is gay... because it wasn't just unstickied, but deleted. They went through and unstickied all but 1 of the stickies in the mod discussion, but deleted my post all together... argh! I must kill them all!

RE-EDIT: Here's a link to my Tutorial on Creating Items. Use it wisely. Meaning make a bow that does 255 blunt damage, arrows that are +255 damage with a stack size of 255, and then make a horse with all stats = 255. Have fun, kiddies!
Ingolifs said:
If you really want blunt damage ranged weapons that cost more than 8 denars, i'd suggest suggesting the sugestion of slingshots.

I second that! Well, slings that is; not slingshots persay. Low-damage shot would be a nice, unique addition to the game.

The animation could be a bit trickier to work out than your average weapon, though.
yeah.. moving parts. That's why bows don't have a drawstring on them. It would need to be animated, so they just left it out. For now, anyways.

Personaly I would like a white string between the tips of my bow, and watch it bend when I notch and draw the arrow, then snap back to position when I let fly the pointed stick! Then watch it vibrate as I draw another arrow out of my quiver.

Much fun in animation.


I succeeded in making a Blunt Damage Bow w/ Blunt Damage Arrows.

But.. alas. I made lots of modifications to my game so I can't just post my item_kinds1.txt up here. Sorry.
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