four ways in, and salt

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ok, what i don't get is why they have a four ways in and a salt mine.I mean they dont even serve a purpose. so post your replies and lemme see what you have to say. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
talk to the npcs at salt mine, they're not completely useless. And if you want to have marnid or borcha leave your party, you can tell them to go wait for you at the four ways inn. so it's not completely useless. I assume they'll make these locations more useful later, but still they're not completely useless.
They're perfectly useful for selling slaves and buying salt at the salt mine and leaving Marnid and/or Borcha at the four-ways inn. I think in the future they'll be adding buildings and other features.

So relax. It's all cool :cool:
Alright, since nobody else has ****in' done it.

This guy is an idiot, we have evidences of this on other threads. Best not to answer his stupid questions.
Btw, your k00|-ness isn't proportional to the number of smiles you add.


"I'm k00| :cool: "

it's somewhat cool.

"I'm k00| :sad: :cool: :???: :razz: :oops: :roll: :twisted: :?: :idea: :arrow: :cry: :wink: "

This is NOT cool AT ALL.
Well I tried, but as you can see by my pic, that's somewhat an hard accomplishment for a chubby idiot holding a toilet cleaning brush like me.
"Well I tried, but as you can see by my pic, that's somewhat an hard accomplishment for a chubby idiot holding a toilet cleaning brush like me."

Big, fat, eternal LOL! :lol:
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
what am i doing wrong?

lol i dont know... i think they have HUGE envy for the X's in your name :wink: i know i do :razz:

xXxJunoxXx looks so much better.... :lol:
Guys cut it please...

We have to assume that everybody comes in with a fair reason. Let their actions tell what to think of them. Asking about the Inn or the Salt Mine is not bad, merely a bit thoughtless. And we have almost all wondered about them at some point, some people just like to ask those who knows better, and that is not a problem.

I have noticed that in general people here are extremely sensitive about previous questions, or people with even a minor case of 1337-speak.

Please relax a bit, it is not healthy for any of us to act like that. And it most certainly isn't good for the forum.
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