Four New Ideas

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1. A dagger slot in the equipment set--you carry a quiver and your arms/shield (probably) on your back, but even a full-sized dagger is a backup weapon and can be carried in sheaths adapted to almost any part of your armor (chest/leg/belt/etc.).

2. Poisoned arrows--each one, over the course of, say, two minutes of combat, does a set amount of extra damage. It may end up being an annoyance, but if it turns out to work, it may also add a lot to the game. Only certain types of brigands might have them, adding to the flavor of being ambushed by "forest bandits", and there's no doubt that playing a solo archer would be a bit more fun with them.

3. An arena "circuit". I was thinking of suggesting just a few other arenas in the Swadian and Vaegir capital cities, but then thought "why not go all out?" and had the idea of a few more even than three arenas. There could be tiered ranking systems and increasingly difficult battles with better rewards, all culminating in some sort of absurd You v. The World battle for a godlike weapon. Xenogears and FFVII are good models, but I assume everyone knows what I'm talking about with this one.

4. Open recruitment of ecclectic troop types--that is, when you become a bandit (in later versions), you'll obviously be able recruit bandits, but I think that there should be some nearly-hidden areas of the map available, in which you can recruit unique or interesting troops (i.e., Sea Raiders, Black Khergit, Dark Raiders [who upgrade to Dark Warriors/Hunters/Knights]). These could be made very difficult to reach, so when the locations get out into the community, it'll still be some work to find them.
1. love the idea i hate in the area when the enemy can run faster then you and you are an archer once they get in close it over. ok but they should be harder to aim and they should cost alot more then normal.

3. love it and the higher you go the harder and more people you have to fight.

4.that should work if you are part of an army with many victorys so they want to join for the glory and richs.
0cool said: ok but they should be harder to aim and they should cost alot more then normal.

Them being harder to aim would make no sense whatsoever.

I personally like the idea, but obviously it should be possible with any weapon, not just arrows. I think it should be done like this: Merchants sell poisons that can be applied to weapons. They supply the poison effect for the duration of one battle, then disappear. The poisons would vary in speed and damage, the low-end, cheapo stuff doing like 1 damage every 30 seconds, whereas the best poisons are lethal in a matter of minutes but cost obscene amounts of money. There could also be a new skill that increases the poison effects, "poisons" or "poisoning" or something like that.

The tournament idea is also nice enough, although an arena tournament would make little sense without the ability to select your weapons. A mélee fighter being stuck with a bow or a hunter handed a two-handed sword at the final battle against an insanely skilled enemy would be a big-time bummer.

I don't much like the dagger idea or the thought of recruiting weird troops, although I think that at the later stages you should be able to hire more developed soldiers somewhere. Having to start from scratch with training townsmen every time one of your hired blades decides to end his deal with you by riding alone into the middle of thirty bandits is more than a little annoying. poisoning...

In medieval times, you hardly had knights etc poisoning their weapons or bowmen doing the same thing...this isn't some assasin-style game either...
1) Or just have a basic dagger as an automatic default weapon. Kind of like a pistol in a first-person-shooter. A weapon of last resort. That way you wouldn't even have to mess with it unless you needed to. I'd give the dagger its own special key so it wouldn't get toggled through and waste time when doing weapon selections. Nobody really uses daggers once they can afford better weapons, do they? I wouldn't even create a slot for it just permanently upgrade the auto-dagger if you bought a better one.

2) I don't know if this really brings much to the table. Flaming arrows in night battles could be fun visually but poisoned arrows? I'd have to think about why this would be a good thing. Mounted archers with some skill are effective enough as it is.
3) I like the idea of a tourney circuit too! I'd couple this with the suggestions we've seen for heroic NPCs that come up from within the party to create your own tournament teams. I'd just read a great book about William Marshall during the 1100-1200s recently and, while he rose to become the greatest lord in the land, he came to fame as a tournament combatant. Lords would compete to get him on their team and eventually he fell in with Prince Henry (brother of Richard and John, et al) as a star athlete and, essentially, team quarterback. They'd ransom back "captured" combatants and thier possessions to make a living along with the stipends from the team's owner. And, heck, playing a medieval version of AutoDuel would be just plain fun. I'd tone down the notion of uberweapons though. We don't want power inflation to get much worse than it is. I'd trade in coin and reputation. Perhaps the bigger one's reputation the more lucrative missions one could get from other sources and one might get "invitations" to play at high profile events?

4) I'd like to see more troop types myself. But not necessarily that much tougher just more variety in appearance and outfitting. As for hidden bases for recruiting (or cities and special locations of all kinds) why not a randomized strategic map in addition to the tactical ones? That way can't ruin all the surprises overnight? Make populated cities with merchants visible but hide everything else until it comes inside spotting range...
I'm told that in Medeival times, you didn't have knights using crossbows either. And yet, the squire always starts out carrying one. As for the lack of honor involved in using such weapons, so what? The suggestion was that forest bandits use them. Robin Hood aside, they have no honor. And given that it's your character, you should be able to decide if he/she does either.
Yes, as Skyrage posted, poisoning would only make sense in a stealth game. And since this game has no stealth system at all (it would be completly out of place) I don't think we need poisons. It sounds like a neat idea - but in the end, you can finish off every enemy in one or 2 blows when having warrider damage (even on low levels), and when it would take minutes anyway... It would a waist of money. There are no unhumanly strong foes that would recruire extra help. Plus, you have something called party members. :neutral:

As for the daggers... I don't really see why you need another weapon if you are fully armed already. :neutral: Probably I just mis-understood that one though. :smile:

I love the tournament idea (was proposed some times already). We do need our own weapons though, as Okin said.

I like your last idea as well.. Maybe you can hire a simple bandit, but have waaay more upgrade possibilities, so you can train any type of bandit unit out of the basic one. :smile:
Lhorkan said:
I love the tournament idea (was proposed some times already). We do need our own weapons though, as Okin said.

I didn't actually mean going into the arena carrying your own gear, I like the system where everyone is equally outfitted. I do want, however, the ability to select whether you want a sword/shield kit, a lance/shield combo, an archer/short sword (The archer needs a back-up mélee weapon, BIG TIME!) kit or a two-handed sword, as well as whether or not you want to be mounted.

And as for special troops, it's possible to obtain any unit in the game by rescuing prisoners, if I'm not mistaken. I myself have obtained river pirates, manhunters, even dark knights. River pirates can be trained into bandits and so on, manhunters turn into swadians... don't know if sea raiders can be upgraded, but it's a no-no on dark knights. I think that system's fine.
okiN said:
Lhorkan said:
I love the tournament idea (was proposed some times already). We do need our own weapons though, as Okin said.

I didn't actually mean going into the arena carrying your own gear, I like the system where everyone is equally outfitted. I do want, however, the ability to select whether you want a sword/shield kit, a lance/shield combo, an archer/short sword (The archer needs a back-up mélee weapon, BIG TIME!) kit or a two-handed sword, as well as whether or not you want to be mounted.

Well, that's what I meant. :grin:
The more I consider it the more I'd say we should stick with randomized gear. Sure, it's not really historical if we're talking about tournaments but it does play into the idea that being a pro tournament fighter is a distinct career choice. If you're going to be the best in the arenas of Mount & Blade's fictional setting you're going to need to focus on developing all around fighting skills. Otherwise anyone could compete by just specializing in one weapon.

In fact, I think every possible path to glory should encourage the same kind of specialization while, perhaps, leaving some room for generalist dabblers who want to do a bit of everything without feeling compelled to be the best at any one.
OddjobXL said:
The more I consider it the more I'd say we should stick with randomized gear. Sure, it's not really historical if we're talking about tournaments but it does play into the idea that being a pro tournament fighter is a distinct career choice. If you're going to be the best in the arenas of Mount & Blade's fictional setting you're going to need to focus on developing all around fighting skills. Otherwise anyone could compete by just specializing in one weapon.

In fact, I think every possible path to glory should encourage the same kind of specialization while, perhaps, leaving some room for generalist dabblers who want to do a bit of everything without feeling compelled to be the best at any one.

they need more gear tho i havent seen a axe yet, have you? I would also like to see pole arms to in tourne i havent seen one unless you are on a horse.
2) Poison just doesn't work that way. Sure, if you catch an enemy in the leg with a poisoned arrow, he'll die/become paralyzed a few days later, but that's just it, Poison is either instantaneous or very delayed. Now, fire arrows are another thing. They'd do less damage (More mass= less speed= less damage) but they would be incredible in restricting the enemys movement.
I really *really* like the idea of an Arena circuit. Another aspect that could add game depth without tremendous changes.

Armagan, you could even simply reuse the existing arena battle map at first with the only real modifications to this being the unit selector for the fights, then some add ons for tracking.
Glad to see positive responses :smile:

My idea with the dagger was aimed at giving pure archers a shot at staying alive in a longer fight, while still carrying more arrows. I'd think you would be able to carry 50 arrows and a shield, then still have space for a dagger. Twenty-five arrows when you have a weapon/shield (not using a shield, I've found, is a very bad idea) just aren't enough.

The poison was just a fun idea, no real point to it.

It seems that the people have spoken, and that an Arena Circuit is in order! My slant on gear is that you should be able to pick your kit, but that the kits should increase in quality as you ascend the ranks. I'm not a medievalist, but I assume you got to choose your gear at that point in history. My area of expertise is classical antiquity, and I know that Roman gladiators specialized in specific equipment loadouts (as a basic example, a retiarius did not fight as a thrax, he fought against the thrax). On the other hand, the consensus seems to be that earlier combat sports involved set weapon types, but those were, and not really relevant to the context of this game.

I agree about the randomized, hidden recruitment locations--excellent addition, since I was wondering myself how we'd get past the GameFAQs problem.
I like the dagger idea. Everyone carried a dagger in the middle ages, just for utility use, although it would be used in combat if necessary. It should be something small, and do little damage. More of something to hold an opponent at bay, rather than actually fight him, like maybe 5p Damage, and speed of 110 and range of 35. Have a seperate button that equips your dagger, so it doesn't interfere with weapon cycling.

The poisoned arrows sounds fun, but dumb. And it just wouldn't fit into the game well. Although the flaming arrows do sound nice. I guess they would be a seperate class of arrows, because I don't think it would work well as a modifier. Or if it was a seperate item that you used along with your arrows, so for example your equipment slots would be "bow, arrows, arrows, oil" or something.

An arena circuit would be great. Hell even just a more tournament like tourney would be great. Advancements and prizes. Even if it was just at zendar, it would be great to participate in a tournament were success would move you up to the next bracket. Once you finished a tournament, you could start another. Each one would have a random gold and item prize, so you might win, maybe, a spirited charger and 25,000 gold.
Moving on from this, maybe having the tournament locations move, so you can't always go to the same place and expect a tournament. It'd be nice to have to travel around, plus then you wouldn't have someone sitting in zendar hoarding things. I'd probably move the tournaments out of the arena master and maybe have the Counts/Dukes holding them.
As to the random weapons thing, I think it's fine, but I'd like to see polearms, clubs and axes. I think archery should be taken out competely, it wasn't a thing done in this sort of tournament setting, at least not historically.
If you want archery, a sort of medieval games would be nice. Archery competition, throwing axes, javelins, knives, dueling, and 1 on 1 jousts. We could do alot with this.

At atleast one location in the game, you should be able to recruit every type of unit. If we are going to have dark riders, khergits, and sea raiders recruitable, I think there should be some sort of heavily defended "base" for each of these that you go to to recruit them. For the other bandits, there should just be "bandit hangouts" or bandit hideouts scattered around were you can recruit them. Be careful though, if you're on their badside they should attack you rather than aloow you in.

As others have mentioned, I would like to see more specialized units. For starts, basic seperation of equipment would be nice, ie. seperation between footmen, pikemen, archers, crossbowmen, and light and heavy cavalry. What I'd really rather see is each individual town have it's own sort of "special unit". In the middle ages certain cities/regions became very well known for their expertise in a certain method of combat, for example Genoese Crossbowmen. I'd like to something like Sunian Crossbowmen, Curawan Cavalry, Jelkalan Pikemen or Khudian Two-Handed Swordsmen. I'll gladly go into more detail if anyone wants to hear more of my ideas.
a large arena curcuit would be reason alone to play the game. you could brake it up into several different leagues, including an all-joust league, with rankings. each different league would have its own curcuit/ladder.
your character would start at the lowest league, at the lowest rank, and work his way up.
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