Forum awards!

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Grandmaster Knight
Lets do it!

Best Admin/Mod-
Biggest Spammer-
Best poster-
Worst poster-
Most intelligent-
Most intimidating-
Member you would most like to live with-
Who you would imagine smells the worst-
Biggest *******-

Winners shall recieve that as custom tags now go and cast your votes!
Best Admin/Mod- Lost-Lamb
Biggest Spammer-Prince Scamp
Best poster-okiN
Worst poster-andrew4238
Most intelligent-Ingoliffs
Most intimidating-Pavlov
Member you would most like to live with-Pavlov's Mum :wink:
Who you would imagine smells the worst-Worbah
Biggest *******-Pzler
Edit: Ban revoked. Feel free.

Best Admin/Mod - Lost-Lamb, because he does what I tell him to do with his admin powers. Corrupt admins FTW!
Sexiest - Pharaoh Llandy. G;D~~
Gayest - Lost-Lamb, without a doubt.
Biggest Spammer - I'd say PrinceScamp deserves the title. Jörn is quite the contender, though.
Best poster - Jonathan Strange, wherever he is. He was cool.
Worst poster - Choosing from forum regulars (That is, ignoring one-post wonders), probably jackyjkchan. I mean, argh.
Most intelligent - Tough. I'll go with Ingolifs because he has math in his sig.
Dumbest - On the same basis as "Worst poster", this one has to be Henderson. "CCCP (A.K.A Communism)" :lol:
Most intimidating - Me. Grr, arrg! >:O
Member you would most like to live with - Pharaoh Llandy. G;D~~
Who you would imagine smells the worst - Worbah.
Biggest ******* - Lost-Lamb (Trust me on this one, I've been there).
I should add an option just for you "unable to do awards in the proper format"


edit: if you don't want to replace your current custom tag we wont. So there, vote okin for gayest. :lol:
Best Admin/Mod- Narc
Sexiest- Err...No Comment
Gayest- Fluffy...
Biggest Spammer- Henderson (ex)/Prince Scamp
Best poster- Ingolifs
Worst poster- Jorn
Most intelligent- Ingolifs or Okin
Dumbest- Marnid (Joke Jorn :smile:)
Most intimidating- Pavlov
Member you would most like to live with- One of the metallers off IRC
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Nairgorn
Biggest *******- Oooohh tough one....Worbah

Best Admin/Mod- Narc
Sexiest- pie is good!
Gayest- henderson
Biggest Spammer- i do not know
Best poster- Ingolifs
Worst poster- no comment
Most intelligent- almost everyone when compared to me!
Dumbest- no comment
Most intimidating- Lost-Lamb
Member you would most like to live with- no comment
Who you would imagine smells the worst- TheDrunkenMoron!
Biggest *******- Worbah
Best Admin/Mod- LL
Sexiest- Our forum porn star and all his '*****es'
Gayest- Rando :smile:
Biggest Spammer- Juno, bar none
Best poster- okiN
Worst poster- Nighmare kid
Most intelligent- Matrix33
Dumbest- Henderson
Most intimidating- Matrix33 (he knows a lot about me)
Member you would most like to live with- LL!
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Worbah
Biggest *******- Worbah, but he knows it.
This is going to be tough.

Best Admin/Mod- Narc
Sexiest- LL
Gayest- Fluffy of course
Biggest Spammer- fluffy would be in his prime, but Princescamp has had the most staying power, and unlike others, serves no other purpose on these forums.
Best poster- Jstrange
Worst poster- 3 winged turkey, letins, and all the other 2 year olds.
Most intelligent- Can't say me. It's a toss up between okiN, Jonathanstrange and janus.
Dumbest- Hendy or princescamp
Most intimidating- Temujin
Member you would most like to live with- Probably none of you, but matrix33 seems a'ight. (at least he won't murder me in my sleep)
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Pavlov (corpses)
Biggest *******- I won't even bother saying his name, simply because this award seems made for him and him only (worbah)

Rando, Temu and Narc havn't gotten much of a mention yet. Nor has Lhorkan, ilex and kniggit.
Best Admin/Mod- Lost Lamb
Sexiest- I really don't care about this one.
Gayest- No comment here either.
Biggest Spammer- Henderson
Best poster- Orion
Worst poster- That one guy who was banned for trying to steal keys
Most intelligent- No comment
Dumbest- No comment
Most intimidating- Pavlov
Member you would most like to live with- No comment
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Ingolifs (sheep faqer!)
Biggest *******- No comment.
Best Admin/Mod- Pavlov, no contest about it
Sexiest- Llandy :}~~
Gayest- okiN <3
Biggest Spammer- Prince Scamp
Best poster- okiN or Jstrange
Worst poster- Jörn or Andrew"insert-random-numbers-here"
Most intelligent- Matrix33
Dumbest- Andrew"insert-random-numbers-here"
Most intimidating- Narcissus with his utter calmness, gives me the creeps :shock:
Member you would most like to live with- Pavlov, altought I doubt neither of us would survive very long
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Worbah
Biggest *******- Worbah, and thats why I wub him
Best Admin/Mod- Lost-Lamb (since I shouldn't vote for myself)
Sexiest- Narcissus (one rule I'll have to break ^ ... since I'm not going to outright lie.)
Gayest- Decline to comment.
Biggest Spammer- It used to be Henderson. Then it was Juno. Then it was PrinceScamp. Now it is a race of some sort, but I believe that Jörn is taking the lead.
Best poster- Ingolifs, no contest. It would have been a tie, but Strange isn't around these days. Janus is quickly rising the through the ranks though.
Worst poster- The worst post is a spam post. See above ^.
Most intelligent- Ingolifs again ... JonathanStrange would be pretty close on this one also.
Dumbest- Decline to comment.
Most intimidating- Okin ... make one small mistake and he attacks.
Member you would most like to live with- Noone.
Who you would imagine smells the worst- Decline to comment.
Biggest *******- Worbah ... I felt I should leave this one blank also ... but Worbah prides himself on it so I doubt he would be offended.
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