Formations mod Singeplayer glitch, Quickplay works fine

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I've just realised in quick battle the formations mod works completely fine, and is amazing. However, after starting a singleplayer and recruiting a large enough army I realised that during battles all the menu commands for the mod such as 'Additional Formations' and 'Memorise Placement' dissappear. But when pressing '1','2' or '3' the 'Additional Formations' command flashes for a split second.
Anybody knows what is happening?

Thanks - Max
Max2150 said:
I've just realised in quick battle the formations mod works completely fine, and is amazing. However, after starting a singleplayer and recruiting a large enough army I realised that during battles all the menu commands for the mod such as 'Additional Formations' and 'Memorise Placement' dissappear. But when pressing '1','2' or '3' the 'Additional Formations' command flashes for a split second.
Anybody knows what is happening?

Thanks - Max

  you have two different routines grabbing key clicks, probably PBOD is one and the other is either deathcam or mini battle display up in the corner of your screen.  This breaks the 2 keys that have to be pressed one after the other, only 1 key is seen by each routine not two keys together.  Try disabling deathcam and see if it works, else disable battle display mini mode where it makes a map in one corner of your screen and shows red dots as enemies.  This and PBOD are each trying to get your key presses. 

  If you find that removing either gets your commands to work, then you can consider taking out the conflicting routine.  For example, both diplomacy and PBOD have deathcams -- and maybe your original source ALSO had a deathcam.  So the question is, when your character dies, which one is running?
I've certainly been there/done that.
Oh right, thank you for the reply :smile: I'll check that out and see what works.

Thanks  :wink:

Edit: Holy Moly, I turned off the minimap and it works fine! Thank you ever so much :smile:
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