OSP Kit Combat Form Ranks! - A formation kit[Version1.32][Minor update: multi bug fixes]

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Sergeant Knight
Form Ranks kit v1.32.10.0111

Saved game from 1.31 compatible.


Major focus of this kit/mod is about formations and battle AI.
Array(battle) assignment: Talk to NPCs in your party. You can see option "I'm planning to raise a new battle command...". By doing this you assign that NPC as the leader of your new array.
Array(battle) men management: After assignning array, camp, in the menu click "Take an action". In the next menu you should see the option "Manage battle arrays". Click on it then you see the list of your battle arrays. Your main battle won't be listed here. Click on the array you want to assign men to, the next menu you should click "summon ** battle" to see the troop exchange window. In case you assign more troops than the sub-commander can lead, you can't navigate out of the menu.
Battlefield Controls: Also in the camp menu -> Take an action -> Formation Keys Configuration, you can set up your preferred keys. Here's a list of functions for all keys:
  • * Battle! (Default key '6' to '=', back slash and '1' for Everyone just as in Native) - Choose the Battle or all Battles as order listener. By holding 'ctrl' key you can select multiple Battles or unselect one from them.
  • Next/Previous formation (Default key 'y' and 'u') - to select formations
  • Stand closer/Spread out (Default key 'f8' and 'f9') - to order formations to change density
  • Hold this position (Default key 'f1') - to order formations move to player's position
  • Auto rotation (Default key 'g') - to toggle formations between keeping the same direction or always face enemies
  • Apply formation (Default key 'k') - to order Battles for the formation selected
  • Charge/Fall back/Halt (Default key 'b', 'm' and 'n' respectively) - to order formations to move in a certain speed. Pressed multiple times can accelerate the formations.
  • Tactical charge (Default key 'h') - to apply the built-in formation charge strategy for a Battle. Further explanation will follow.
  • Move forward/backward/left/right (Default arrow keys) - to move formaitons ten meters toward a direction.
  • Turn left/right (Default key comma and period) - to order formations to turn 15 degrees
  • Dismiss formation (Default key 'o') - to order battles dismiss formation and charge freely
  • View Order Panel (Default key 'x') - to bring up the order panel for formations
AI formations: In the key config menu you can also choose to enable or disable the AI formations, that is, whether the enemies and allies can use formations. When AI formations disabled, Native tactics will be applied for enemies and allies in battle field. The AI now is acceptable. They would choose to attack or defense. Basically the AI will be who greatly utilized the tactical charge,it's also easier :razz:.
About Tactical Charge: This is a new thing compared to previous version. Basically it binds a tactical action to a specific formation. So if a battle is in a formation, say, wedge formation, then when applying tactical charge, the formation will do back & forth cavalry charge, as wedge formation is typically for cavalries.
Here's a list of paired formations and tactical charges:

  • Lines - For ranged units, formation will march toward enemies until from a certain distance and start firing.
  • Phalanxes - For melee units, formation will simply march toward enemies and crush anything in between.
  • Wedges - For cavalries, formations will charge through enemy formations, turn back, and charge again.
  • Squares - Same as Phalanxes.
Order Panel: Just something filling the Native Order Panel frame. So it has similar functions as the Native one. All orders can be given by clicking buttons. And also, order "move to this position" can be given by clicking ont the map!
Skills requirement: Compared to native, both players renown and leadership skill have now less effect on the party's capacity. i. e. you can lead less men in your party. This is to balance the extra men you can have in your battle arrays.

main battle capacity = player's leadership*3+renown/68+base(10)
battle array capacity = NPC leader's tactics*2+NPC leader's intelligence+main battle capacity/battle array no.
(so 2 for veward battle, 3 for reaward battle, 4 for forth battle and so on... The last side battle would have the least capacity)
max num of arrays(excluding main battle) = min{player's tactics -1, 8}


Special thanks to 小一乱跑 who's designed the nice title pics!



















Here you can see how AI does the formations:

And here's a video that could somehow show the features: demo
Based on the game play videos I made a trailer. Enjoy! Trailer


game files:
from Google code
from mbrepository
Source code only:
Source code
(Admin added download link) MB Repository

Under Modules are the MOD files. To install, first make an exact copy of the folder Mount&Blade/modules/native, rename it as FormRanks, and copy all MOD files into that folder, replace all.

To Modders
Source code is under src. Files I changed:

Search "Form Ranks" for my code.
I give permissions to all modders who are working on their own MOD. If possible, please inform me about your MOD name that uses Form Ranks, so that I can update the "MODs" section here.


Command Cursor by dstemmer

There are MODs using this kit, you can also try them:
The Revenge of the Berserker by Berserker Pride
The Ranger's Apprentice by Earl of Swadia
Camelot by thrakkemarn
Men of Steel by MISHO
Hari Ragat: medieval SE Asian mod by dariel.
Avarice of the Exiled by Arch3r. WIP.
Warsword by del
Southern Realms by jubal
Order is random.

File History:

Multi bugs fixed:
If a leader is wounded, script error happens in battle
Reinforcements don't form proper ranks
Xp now can be gained through training and battle for other arrays, but soldiers will upgrade randomly
Food consumption corrected. Arrays will consume your food now
Slim default and disable all added to key configuration

Command cursor added
Follow order added

Tactical charge added
Key configuration
AI formations
Order panel added

first release
multi-array first introduced
Last edited by a moderator:
In fact I didn't even use it.

As to features other than that one have, I guess the array system and speed adjustable charging.

well... Can't tell from the pics.... maybe I'll paste some more pics or just release it.
so....could you please explain better the features of your kit and how they work?
Definitely some interesting stuff..

So do the multiple formations just create seperate parties which follow you or are they part of your party? And can you give orders to the seperate formations in battle or are they counted as allies?

If you're having trouble and this is something you want to share with the world I'd just release the source code for people to hack about.. perhaps your new stuff could even be merged with the existing kit.

EDIT: ****ing hell Cruger, did you HAVE to quote the entire first post for your single line comment?
Dain Ironfoot said:
Definitely some interesting stuff..

So do the multiple formations just create seperate parties which follow you or are they part of your party? And can you give orders to the seperate formations in battle or are they counted as allies?

If you're having trouble and this is something you want to share with the world I'd just release the source code for people to hack about.. perhaps your new stuff could even be merged with the existing kit.

EDIT: ****ing hell Cruger, did you HAVE to quote the entire first post for your single line comment?

I created new parties and attached them to main party, like the thing happened in battle. They are regarded as allies in game engine, but you can give orders to them (and that's where the control complexity comes from...).

EDIT: Have to revise my word: They're under player's command in battlefield, both my formation commands and native commands.
Hmm... I was planning on something almost exactly similar. I'll have to test your commands out they look promising.
Very sexy, foxy. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing how you did it, and if your formations are any less draining on the CPU than the other kit.
Mordachai said:
Very sexy, foxy. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing how you did it, and if your formations are any less draining on the CPU than the other kit.

I hope so as well :grin:  I minded efficiency much during implementation.
foxyman said:
Mordachai said:
Very sexy, foxy. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing how you did it, and if your formations are any less draining on the CPU than the other kit.

I hope so as well :grin:  I minded efficiency much during implementation.

BTW, I'm going to sleep now. The remaining work probably will be done tomorrow.
Hah, as you might guess, I'm a Chinese.
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