Forge Scrap Yard - Thread and Post Collection

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You may also find similar threads in the singleplayer/multiplayer forums e.g. The Warlord's Den, with people asking questions about the game that could be solved by working on the module system
This reminds me of my first post on the forum: Disable food spoiling rotting
Some people may be looking for that kind of information at some point so it could be great to have them in the list as well. What do you think?
That's a good suggestion, I already noticed in the last days that modding question got also answered outside of the modding section. It's at some point however outside of my own scope, in the end it is a matter of time which I don't have en mass. I already needed some months to collect the rest above and in the other thread, doing it between 'normal' other activities. And I don't really see myself digging at other parts of the forum too. The old Q&A thread will be probably my last big digging challenge at which I already finished roughly ten percent.

Others are however free to link everything they find in those sections here and I will gladly add it to the list, like with your post there, thanks for that!
I am happy about everyone adding something here which I haven't listed yet :smile:
I removed now all spoilers with threads which have been moved to the Tutorials, OSP Codes, Tools, etc. I added a new post, post #4, which contains links to posts inside the old Modding Q&A thread which has been closed since the last forum update. Will update there with time, I have already a finished list with stuff at my discord. Not sure if I will ever sort it though, too much hazzle :razz:
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