Forest battles

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In future, when there will be battle maps consistent with the current area on the large map, there might be battles in heavy forested areas. The trees could be so dense that they would make the use of cavalry difficult to impossible. Also, the arrows should bounce off the trees, sou it would be mainly about foot melee only.
You mean a forest of rubber trees, or a forest of trees made of rubber?

The rubber tree is actually a fairly dense tree you know, :razz: they refine the sap, not the tree itself.

Too bad thats the case. Rubber trees like those found in Monkey Island would make GREAT lances!

*Charging another knight, his lance breaks, yours doesn't. You catch him square in the chest and,... "Booing" he goes flying over the next hill*
quite an imagination, yes :lol:

I think the only reason for there being no forest is AI. Because they keep running into them like they're not there.
Rubber trees like those found in Monkey Island would make GREAT lances!

Lol... loved that game. They totally got me with that bit, when you fall off the cliff. I was all like... Ohh maan! and then Boing!

I'm pretty sure that was the first time a video game made me laugh out loud.
Having an area heavily dense with trees would take a lot of processing power. There is only one api that I've heard of that can render trees for a forest, and that's being used in ES IV so I doubt armagan will be able to afford it.
It was quite some time ago that I read about it, but it may have just been refering to Morrowind, saying that that engine couldn't handle forests. Though I was sure it also talked about other games... Might just be my memory though :roll:
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