Need More Info Forced to make Peace

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Yes, I used mods.
Every few weeks, the Asari and Khanates make peace with my faction (Battania), and each other, whether or not we or they are at war. It started around the time I began the "Eliminate [faction]" quests and happened in version 1.5.7 and 1.5.8.
I also only get a notification that we've made peace, I'm never given a chance to vote.
It also repeats itself by notifying me that "Battania has Made Peace with Asari" and then "Asari has made peace with Battania" (I'm paraphrasing)
I've uploaded my save file.
Thank You
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@MArdA TaleWorlds

It might have been caused by me doing the following because it sounds like the kind of thing that might confuse the game. I gave the flag to the ruler of the Northern Empire while I was mercenary for him which started the Conspiracy Quest. During the Conspiracy Quest, I left him and joined Battania as a mercenary. After the bar filled to 2000 in the Conspiracy Quest and the quests Eliminate Battania, Eliminate Khuzait and Eliminate Aserai started, I decided to switch from being a mercenary of Battania to a vassal of Battania.

Would it help you guys if I uploaded the save files from before I joined Battania as a mercenary, the one before I became a vassal of Battania, and the one after I became a vassal of Battania?
I'm not a coder, but I think I found what is causing my problem. By "OnWarDeclared" (0x060002D9) there is nothing checking if I'm in a faction located in "oppositionKingdoms" or "allyKingdoms" before triggering "_warsToEnforcePeaceNextWeek" (0x0400014). It's located in StoryMode.dll, and when using an Assembly Explorer, I found it under StoryMode.Behaviors.ThirdPhaseCampaignBehavior (0x0200002E)
I uploaded a picture for reference.

I understand that you might be unable to fix it and keep the story making sense. If that is the case, can you guys add a cheat command or something to allow people to end/cancel the main quest? I would use the "Storymode.Weaken_Kingdom" and "Storymode.Reinforfce_Kingdom" cheats, but they cause a lot of settlement ownership changes.

Thank You.
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I experienced it in 1.5.6. I haven't gotten to that point in my 1.5.9 campaign, so I can't yet tell if it still is an issue in the latest version. If it hasn't actually been fixed, then it shouldn't be classified as resolved, workaround or not.
I experienced it in 1.5.6. I haven't gotten to that point in my 1.5.9 campaign, so I can't yet tell if it still is an issue in the latest version. If it hasn't actually been fixed, then it shouldn't be classified as resolved, workaround or not.
If you get to that point and it happens, tell me and I'll post the workaround.
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