For the people who hate walking in town...

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You can not take your own horse, but you actually can ride horses that you find in the scene. I suspect many have noticed that by now, but I honestly didn't think you could that myself until today, so I thought I would share.
Walking through the maze like towns in this game does not float my boat. It seems like more of a chore than something fun. I always used mods to avoid walking around in towns and villages in Warband. I look forward to the mod that lets me buy an enterprise without wandering around the town.
Walking through the maze like towns in this game does not float my boat. It seems like more of a chore than something fun. I always used mods to avoid walking around in towns and villages in Warband. I look forward to the mod that lets me buy an enterprise without wandering around the town.
I respect the towns for being more immersive and full of life, but not for restricting access to my horsie. Sometimes I talk to NPC’s from the town overview and then cancel out the conversation and walk over if they’re close enough.
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