Well, I think I like it. I was going to honestly skip it but I've put the beta on last night and it's tickling my fancy. Just for comparison I haven't had any connection issues short of one or two hang ups or drops, but I am in new jersey, about an hour and a half from NYC which is a big hub of east coast players, so take that with a grain of salt.
So, I like the game, because all the mechanics are there. I went in using the controller since the movement seemed geared for it and all the buttons you need and it feels pretty comfortable. I don't know that there is too much carry over from warband short of some melee positioning thoughts and feeling comfortable playing simon says when someone is in your face, so at least I can learn without spazing out.
My first night I hated guard break and thought it broke the game, but that was well before I understood all the mechanics and options available to each class. From that point guard break spamming was easy to deal with, just quick attacks or heavy attack through it. I don't feel comfortable doing the counter at all so don't try it.
Once I knew what parrying was that really opened up the game a lot defensively. I haven't played someone heavy on parrying though so I don't know if the game breaks down, but then again you can feint out of attacks. I've found once again like warband that direction attacks dont matter except overhead does more damage, and it is more about timing, figuring out to attack just before they decide to open with heavy, or if they are trying to creep in for a guard break.
Each class seems to have a much different feel to it, though I've been using the starting 'normal' girl in armor, forget the class name, vanguard maybe. When I swapped up to warlord just now it feels very different, and there is a different set of movesets in how you'll approach attacking someone. This one feels slow and bashy, lots of mix ups out of shield blocking or parrying. It seems designed well that if I knew which button did what you have a lot of slow plodding mixups, shield block into attack, shield block into block then counter slash, shield block into oops fake headbutt.
I haven't tried the other classes yet but some seem suited to the dominion mode and controlling areas or running around harassing, basically what it says. Anyway as of day two while learning it, I like it, and I think it offers some good gameplay for mastery, I don't know if this is going to be worth 60 bucks to play and I still havent bought it.
I may wait for a sale and take a break, though multiplayer releases are always fun with the high volume of people that suck (like myself ) playing