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That sucks man. My folks just came to town, we went out to a nice steakhouse, got a giant prime rib, rare as hell, giant baked potato(e), dripping with butter and cheese and sour cream. Big ole plate of crunchy mixed veggies.... orgasmically good. I've got leftovers to last a week. MMMmmmm....

Sorry to hear you're not allowed to eat :twisted:
me i just had bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and orange juice, along with some steak i found in the fridge. i think there some pancakes to with lotsa butter and syrup. it tops your petty steak house! HA!
im eating warm blackcurrant and liquorice sweets, they are normally hard, but these ones melt in mouth because they are warm, and they are sticky and sweet and its like.... mmmm ohhhh yehhhhh
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