Fluffy The Rat

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Yes! For everybody who cares, here are pictures of my rat.

Her names Fluffy. How original...


Generally, I like rodents. Rabbits (and hares) are my least-favoured, probably because they are the fluffiest. Maybe because most people think them "cute".

That is a very nice rat, fluffy :smile:
That is a cute looking rat Fluffy, they are more fun than hamsters because they are clever little bastards, or at least that is what I've heard. Keep up that good fight kid. :grin:
Come on gerbils are not rats. Even Richard Gere wouldn't have the nerve to shove a big rat up there would he? I suppose in the emergency room he would say "Well I was trying to change a light bulb while naked and standing on a tall stepladder and I was drinking whiskey all day and lost my balance. Little did I know that a large rat was on the floor right at the same place my ass hit the floor. Talk about dumb luck!"
Haha, didn't notice until now. I bet it was after Nair and pav saw his pic. :lol:

And on topic, I can't see your rats. Imageshack is *****ing again. Would you upload them on photobucket (or some other site which doesn't resize) so I can look at (*coughphotoshopcough*) them?
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