Floating boat and island

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Sergeant at Arms
I was wondering if the floating boat in valley of swamps takes you to the floating island, I have tried many a time to jump(unsuccesfully) to the boat with my noble white stallion (dead every time).
you have a tiny chance to spawn on the island in the sky, ive done it before it was like 1 in 100 deaths on the server :grin:

it has a tree on it :razz:
Longshaft said:
I was wondering if the floating boat in valley of swamps takes you to the floating island, I have tried many a time to jump(unsuccesfully) to the boat with my noble white stallion (dead every time).

It's possible to get to the island, jump diagonally left and you land on an invisible ledge  :mrgreen:
guilemaster said:
It's like that one part in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". Faith will get you across.

thats what i was thinking when i got to the boat
wickerman_156 said:
no it's not, I looked in edit mode and there is a way to get on the boat :smile:
nothing interesting on it though :/

Dunno, I think the Legendary Great Sword and the Dragon Hide shield could be interesting for some people =(

well and to get on the floating boat has nothing to do with timing oO ... 

And to get on the floating island ... dunno ... afaik you spawn there, if the usual spawnpoint in the swamp tavern is full with AFK players, which "block" the usual spawnpoints. The island is pretty tiny and useless though :p
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