Flagship (Upcoming Space RTS)

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Grandmaster Knight
I saw this on PC Gamer today and it looked quite interesting. Essentially, the player is on board a command ship, and they command the rest of the fleet from their flagship. THough we don't have much information yet, it seems like an interesting concept. The game is currently in the pre-Alpha phase.

PC Gamer Article: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/05/21/command-your-fleet-in-first-person-rts-flagship/
Official Website: http://flagshipgame.com/
I always wanted something like this, but rather as COOP with multiple people on the bridge that have to cooperate to succesffully operate the ship/fleet.
MaHuD said:
I always wanted something like this, but rather as COOP with multiple people on the bridge that have to cooperate to succesffully operate the ship/fleet.
Has potential, but will likely be squandered as it realizes that commanding a dozen ships is quite hard when you can't see them. There is a reason RTS games have an overhead perspective.
Splintert said:
Has potential, but will likely be squandered as it realizes that commanding a dozen ships is quite hard when you can't see them. There is a reason RTS games have an overhead perspective.

Personally I think it would be alright if the bridge wasn't the size of a one room apartment, and the spacial viewer in the middle was smaller than a pool table.

It be great if the table was the size of this:


The fact that the command bridge is on point and separated from the outside by glass also irks me a lot. Seems more like a cruise ship than one that's going to take fire. At most that thing would be the observational deck, but that kinda seems a little stupid considering the distances in space and the limitations of the human eye.
Who would design a spaceship intended to fight other spaceships where the command bridge is the bloody easiest target to shoot at? :lol:
Or get hit and incapacitated by a ramming accident or a little rock flying around or whatever else. It's the same retarded **** they did in Star Wars with their designs for the Imperial Star Destroyers.

Also what Swadius said. Come on, put some effort in, this is an awesome concept, don't wreck it with stupid ****.
Wellenbrecher said:
It's the same retarded **** they did in Star Wars with their designs for the Imperial Star Destroyers.

Don't forget that star destroyers had a whole slew of guns around the bridge, so any threat that tried to take advantage of the exposed bridge would have to face the biggest guns on the whole ship, and all at once.
Most modern SF flagships have two bridges though, the observational top deck bridge, and the battle bridge, which resembles the picture Swadius posted. The crew just gets the entire bridge floor escalated down (with a reinforced ceiling closed behind them in case someone tries to blow up the observational bridge) into the battle bridge, where every input is fed by sensors, cameras and intelligence from other ships.
Wouldn't it be reasonable I expect that anyone in the future seeking to control a fleet of warships would be using what is essentially a video game interface to do it? Not seeing the appeal of forcing you to have a less effective interface than an actual fleet commander would have.
Docm30 said:
A defence apparently rendered useless by just flying an A-Wing into the bridge.

The effectiveness, of course, would depend on the Empire having halfway competent personnel. Which they, going by the movies, certainly do not.
That always irked me. In the New Hope, Darth Vader and Tarkin allow the heroes to escape, so that they can lead them to the secret Rebel base. Which is why the Storm Troopers miss them all the time, and there's only few TIE fighters chasing them. Somehow, by Return of the Jedi, this ineptitude is no longer by purpose in a special scenario, but everyday routine. WTF?! How did they ever conquer the Galaxy? ****ing George Lucas.
Not bad. Hopefully you get some degree of customization among your ship and crew. This could work really well with a M&B type companion and army management system.
Odyseuss said:
Who is Admiral Motti?

The guy who insults Vader in one of the first scenes we see of the Death Star interior and gets choked out, where the "I find your lack of faith... disturbing" quote comes into play. I actually just knew him as "that douche who Vader chokes out" until I Googled it for that post. The worst part is, Vader lets him live even though he's an idiot. Further proof of incompetence.
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