Fix your servers - crashes and connection problems since start of EA

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This is not only about the stuttering that came with the new patch. I know this game is in development and i know adding new things can cause problems. But connection problems and server crashes have accompanied bannerlord MP from the beginning of the early access. It feels like finishing a game is the exception rather than the rule, at least in siege.

Adding stuff is nice and all, but i think you should focus on the fundamental problems first and get a grip on your servers. Otherwise MP will be more dead than it is now.
We are really disappointed with TaleWorlds. Asian servers are a piece of ****, custom servers are often "server unresponsive". Moreover, in northern China, South Korea, and Japan, the game delay is 70-100ping, which is completely no game experience. I don't understand, we have suggested many times to put servers in Hong Kong, why not listen to us? Why not do things that can bring more players a better gaming experience? Why is there no Asia for the 10 server places opened by players?@Callum @Dejan @MArdA TaleWorlds
I think this is the #1 issue plaguing multiplayer right now. Every day during peak hours we get up to 50+ players for one or two rounds, then the server crashes and the time it comes back only a few people wait around to hop back in. Population usually trickles back up just in time for the next server crash which decimates it again.

If the servers were stable we’d have a small but consistent player base despite the other issues MP has. As it stands now MP is on life support until further notice and even dedicated/veteran players are getting tired of it.
We are really disappointed with TaleWorlds. Asian servers are a piece of ****, custom servers are often "server unresponsive". Moreover, in northern China, South Korea, and Japan, the game delay is 70-100ping, which is completely no game experience. I don't understand, we have suggested many times to put servers in Hong Kong, why not listen to us? Why not do things that can bring more players a better gaming experience? Why is there no Asia for the 10 server places opened by players?@Callum @Dejan @MArdA TaleWorlds
在@Callum前面加空格,像这样, @Callum ,不然没法识别
I think these problems have been solved. Has anybody found the EA servers in these five days? Maybe problems about EA servers have been solved since EA servers vanished. Dedicated/Veteran players always endure the high delay, which is unreasonable in itself.
In spite of this, they care the game and want it to be better. However, "surprises" come one by one. The servers become worse and worse.
If the game is made for its players, isn't improving the player experience the most important thing? Or are they just following a rigid schedule and not caring about the player experience?But there's no conflict between improving the game and improving the player experience, right?
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