[FIX/TWEAKS] Modernization, troop fixes and food - Comming soon

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An small introduction

As we all know, the Sayazn mod can be quite... headstrong at times.
Broken scenes, high troop wages, odd modernization processes and a food consumption which suggests that your men havn't eaten anything in years.
I will try to fix the most urgent problems and bugs many of us have.

What will be changed?
Right now, I have 5 main "targets":

(1) Lowering the Upkeep
    - Some of the units in Sayazn, espacilly the Castle tier has insanly high wages, rendering you unable to just take 3-4 Cavalrymen with you and selling goods becouse the upkeep will cripple you.
(2) The Modernization
    - I am not planning to change the way it works, espacilly since I cannot handle Python properly, but rather the way factions like the Isthar modernize, giving them atleast a small chance against the ofters.
(3) Food
    - This normaly wouldnt even be worth mentioning, since its such a small, unimportant thing. Bassicly: More Food per stack. That simple. Finished, Download available below
(4) Bayonetts
    - Bayonetts. 10 guys with bayonetts against 4 partisans. Partisans win. I will try to fix that. Finished, Download available below
(5) Even more Food
    - Becouse carrying around 500 Food might be a bit too much for 3 people. Will add something small, around 10-20 Units of food each.

Also, I will re-release my old Khastind and Sayazn Troop Tree fix again, but compatible with the Modernization tweaks. You can find the fix itself on the Forum aswell.

That will be a complete Cluster****! What if I dont want all of the changes?
I will release each patch/tweak in a seperate file, aswell as in a "big pack".
If anyone wants to suggest ofter fixes that are needed, go on.

Screenshots n' Downloads:

(All Food types changed to 500 (Fish, Bread Grain), 400 (Meat) and 100 (Butterlord)
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qlbvdjys35t32cf/item_kinds1.txt?dl=0 /Version 2
-Expensive Food
The same as above, but with the food costing more and being heavier.
(Simply rename the file to item_kinds1 (in ofter words: remove the "foodcost" from the name, dont change anything else)

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rwwd9c8shckg60e/item_kinds1bayonett.txt?dl=0 / Version 3
(Simply rename the file to item_kinds1 (in ofter words: remove the "bayonett" from the name, dont change anything else)

Combined Versions: (You will need to rename the files to item_kinds1)
More Food & Bayonett Fix:

-Lower Wages
Just as it says. Wages are lowerd, also this includes a fix for the Kasthind Modern Unit Tree. It also includes 2 custom troops becouse I didnt manage to get my game started after I removed them.
I will release a version without them soon.
This is sure as s*** not savegame compatible!
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgy25ub7nph086d/troopsLWCT.txt?dl=0
(Simply rename the file to troops (in ofter words: remove the "LWCT" from the name, dont change anything else)

I will add mutlible versions for each of the fixes/tweaks. For example one version of the food mod where the items are heavier and more expensive, and one where it doesnt change the cost, etc.
If you find something not changed, or not working as promissed, please report it.
Oiy, ya Twat! Backup your shiat! Everything you ever edited, Back it up!

I got a lot of work recently, so it will take until july or so until I continue. Ma appologies.
I don't know but, that food is alot lol.
Maybe it would be better if you create another food item that is lesser, cheaper, and weigh only 5 kilos? For the sake of players playing
with small parties. And the food item you already modified to be expensive, and heavier (just about 36 kilos, the world map is already slow enough)
Will you also be making bayonets suck less? It's embarrassing how weak they are right now.
Sure, will do booth of these.
I will try to make to make a new Texture for the new item, but I tend to mess shiat up with new textures.

PS: Stuff like food might take some time, due to Morghs not accepting food simply being copied.

Also, Bayonetts fixed. Download above
I am working on fixing the scenes right now, and its going kinda well:

(Ignore the few plebs running outside the fort.)
Wait, that seige scene has an actual fort? I never knew that.

And You really tested the bayonets? I knew they were weak but holy ****, to be that bad...

Also, is there any easy way to merge these patches, I'd rather not have to track down entries by hand and I'd imagine you don't particularly want to make 10,000 slightly different downloads.

Anyway, idea sharing time. I don't know much about modding so I don't know how much of this is possible. I also dont know if if this would be balanced. Feel free to ask questions, give your opinion, implement it yourself etc.

Looking at morghs editor for the first time, seems theres no way to actually set upkeep costs and experience needed to next level. Must be based on the troops level, which makes it impossible to do what I'm suggesting. Ah well, tis a pity.

I was thinking about how weird it was that troops that have almost exactly the same equipment like the sayazanid skirmisher and musketman cost money to upgrade.

The idea came to me that we could change the system to better emulate a more modern recruitment and upkeep system.

My thought was that instead of troops starting as peasants armed with farming tools they could start out as Raw Recruits armed with training weapons. (Wooden Swords, quarter staffs, muskets that dont fire) which you would have to train into Regulars.
After firing up the game to check troop trees it occurred to me you get peasants in villages and militia in cities, so It would be best to have something before the recruits in the tree so it doesn't break that. Peasants basically, Give them a trivial experience cost to level up to recruits and were golden, Should cost money thougvh because your equiping them with training gear, but not as high a cost as the jump from recruit to regular.

Each Successive upgrade along the same branch would be free, because the soldier isn't receiving any new gear that would cost money, only getting more experienced at fighting.

I also think that a Regular should have nearly the same pay as a Hardend Veteran, because both are enlisted men and of roughly the same rank. Raw Recruit I think however should get half pay because you know, they're in boot camp.

The experience required to upgrade troops should increase to make it harder to spam top tier troops, although if you have a crazy good training machine set up you could do so anyway, but that comes with it's own costs.

I also think that Davashim Musketeers are a bit silly in the regular troop tree as they tend to dominate the armies of Syazanid lords, which is a pity because it means what should be a sea of beautiful red is mottled black and red. Although thats a personal preference.

I'd prefer instead, if the Davashim were their own regiment, and they were replaced by Hardened Veterans That had a small chance of using equipment scrounged from battlefield. Like a Sayazanid cuirass, or an Ishtar sword. But I'm not sure if randomization can be weighted like that. Wouldn't want every third man to be armored and armed with foreign gear.

I'm really only using Sayazn as an example here, I think it would work well with the other gunpowder armies.

An Example Troop Tree
! Indicates Money must be payed to upgrade
^ Indicates an increase in pay

Sayazanid Volunteer! -> Sayazanid Raw Recruit! -> Sayazanid Pikeman!^ -> Sayazanid Veteran Pikeman -> Sayazanid Professional Pikeman!^ -> Sayazanid Armoured Pikeman!^

Sayazanid Volunteer! -> Sayazanid Raw Recruit! -> Sayazanid Regular!^ -> Sayazanid Veteran -> Sayazanid Hardened Veteran
That is an awesome fix man, keep up the good work :smile:
Anyways I thought that food items can be simply copied and modified in the morghs editor, looks like I was wrong.
You forgot to update the Bayoneted Musket that Khaldim uses.

And Ringleaders are wearing Ankle Boots with their Mercenary Uniform, this gives them phantom leg syndrome above the knee.

I'll post any more such oddities here if you like.
Edo said:
Also, is there any easy way to merge these patches, I'd rather not have to track down entries by hand and I'd imagine you don't particularly want to make 10,000 slightly different downloads.

If you look at my very first post (the OP), then you can see that I annocounced that I will release packs combined, in different variations etc.
it just doesnt make sense to do that right now, since (how you have already realised) I am in the need of updating each tweak/fix.
As soon as I have the Bayonett fixed, and all food items aswell (I am pretty sure I missed some food items! Please report them.), I will release a combined version.

Also, I believe that troop wages are realy high in this mod anyways. Normaly, atleast thats how it went in Native (I believe, aslong as Diplomacy didnt change that) Troop Wages are scalled by level.

Ringleader? Is it the Arena Master? I cannot even enter the arena, so I dont know who you mean.

Bayonetts are fixed now, for booth the Khaldim and the Martini-Henry, download the fix (linked above) again.

Your entire part in the spoiler was written with the lovely font.
I cannot read it properly outside of the editor  :shock:

But considering the part about starting as a peasant: You can actully (realy easily) create an entirely new troop tree for booth the City's and Villages, by simply treating the Urban Militamen as the new "starting unit" for the Upgrade tree. You can then use the Rural Levys (or hower they are called) and use them as the start for a new upgrade tree aswell. You can then let the Levys only upgrade to Less Powerfull Pikemen (with a realy short upgrade tree, similar to this: Rural Levy --> Levy Pikeman --> Pikeman)
You can then use the Militiamen (from the Cities) as the start for their new Upgrade Tree, from which you can get booth heavier Pikemen and Musketers.
I already did something similar to this, didnt finish it though becouse Warband decided to corupt itself.
If you then replace the default Musket for each Unit with the Arquebuse, the Gameplay works supprisingly good, indeed even better then normaly.

And please report all Problems you have with the fixes.
PPS: Yep, the Bayonetts work. 14 Peasants vs 17 Khaldims, Khaldims now win eaaaasily
Video shoud be below the Screenshots in the Download section. (3. Spoiler)

Edit: Will combine the Bayonett and Food one and upload it.
I must have missed the part in the OP where you said you were going to release all the little variations merged, despite having read that post four or five times. XD Must be going illiterate with age.

The ringleader is one of the reformer bandit type troops found northern kasthind, i believe it's an issue from the base game. I just figured if you were fixing troop issues you might fix these sorts of things as well.

I put the entire spoiler in strikethrough because I found out a couple hours later that what I wanted to do was impossible, and it didn't seem right just making it all disappear.

I think rather than equipping everyone with arquebuses that I'd rather just nerf the other smoothbores (The Bayonetted Musket seems to be a Minié rifle) down to the arqubuses level, I like the diversity of the different kinds of matchlock.

Will grab the food patch and keep an eye on the food for ya.

Where'd you get that fancy interface at the end of the video?

EDIT: Found one! World Largest Olives 10/10 and 40 weight!
Appears you missed honey, cabbages, cheese and sausages as well. Are you going to change foodstuff that rots? I can't imagine you'd ever consume it before it does.

Dried meat is 50/50 15 weight still
Right, I missed these. Thanks for the report! And you are right about Meat n'stuff. It doesnt make sense to make something like that more, atleast not in the size of the ofter stuff.
Food is updated now, simply redownload it.
You might have already seen that I uploaded a combined version of Food and Bayonetts. I updated that too.
The Version with more expensive food shoud already be fixed, I remember changing all these

I litterly never played anywhere but the area around the Sayaznid Empire and the Island at the top.
I will take a look for them and upload a fix for them (most likely together with the troop fix [not with my own costom units], becouse I cannot see why I shoudnt. I cannot imagine someone wanting to face Henry-Martini's with Sarranid Deserters).
If someone is feeling realy ambitious he can send me a screenshot so I know who of them you are talking about.

The Problem with the Muskets right now is their range and accuracy on mid and short range.
You have for sure already realised that the Smoothbore Muskets have unlimited range and are being nearly always 1-hit against any enemy unit.
The Arquebuse is only effective in mid- and short-range, and since it already has a limited range you cannot simply pick off half of the enemy army while its marching towards you.
They work a lot more like backup Units that way, not as an unit which you can form an army out of and win every battle with.

Scene fix for one of the Castles/Forts nearly finished. Will take maybe 2 more days. I got some problems with the AI ignoring certain edges.
MrMundy said:
Right, I missed these. Thanks for the report! And you are right about Meat n'stuff. It doesnt make sense to make something like that more, atleast not in the size of the ofter stuff.
Food is updated now, simply redownload it.
You might have already seen that I uploaded a combined version of Food and Bayonetts. I updated that too.
The Version with more expensive food shoud already be fixed, I remember changing all these

I litterly never played anywhere but the area around the Sayaznid Empire and the Island at the top.
I will take a look for them and upload a fix for them (most likely together with the troop fix [not with my own costom units], becouse I cannot see why I shoudnt. I cannot imagine someone wanting to face Henry-Martini's with Sarranid Deserters).
If someone is feeling realy ambitious he can send me a screenshot so I know who of them you are talking about.

The Problem with the Muskets right now is their range and accuracy on mid and short range.
You have for sure already realised that the Smoothbore Muskets have unlimited range and are being nearly always 1-hit against any enemy unit.
The Arquebuse is only effective in mid- and short-range, and since it already has a limited range you cannot simply pick off half of the enemy army while its marching towards you.
They work a lot more like backup Units that way, not as an unit which you can form an army out of and win every battle with.

Scene fix for one of the Castles/Forts nearly finished. Will take maybe 2 more days. I got some problems with the AI ignoring certain edges.

Yeah the empire is really popular I don't go south of kalahar much myself. I only found aout about it because I was enlisted and got dragged down there by my commander. I'll load up ol' testy and nip down there to grab you some screenies.

Got it! The phantom leg brigade in action!


After seeing Khaldim Pikemen in action against Sayazn I'm wondering whether or not it might be more effective just getting rid of them. They always seem to melt away against armored pikemen. Might do some testing and see if bayonets can pick up the slack like they did in real life.

Northern Khastind?
I litterly didnt find them.
Even when using the ctrl+T key.

PS: I never realised that, but the modern Kasthind Cav aint the correct one, is it?
They can be fairly hard to find at times, after waiting a couple hours I couldn't find them so I loaded a game where i knew they existed to screenshot them. They're number 358 on the list.

I've replaced the Khaldim Pikemans pike with a bayoneted musket, given them 40 musket skill and renamed them to Khaldim Grenadier. I've also optimistically redone the khaldim troop tree to incorporate this. so "Grenadiers" upgrade to Gvardiya and Musketmen Upgrade to Sharpshooters. Also gave the Musketeers 40 polearms skill while I was at it. I'll report back on my findings.
MrMundy said:
Khaldim's will stay underpowerd aslong as they dont upgrade propperly. A musket will not work against a Henry-Martini.
Replacing every unit does work hower, bassicly making a smaller jump in the upgrade stages.
So instead of progressing from 17 Century to the late 19, you would progress from the 17 Century to the early 19.
I did try this all already out, trying to fix the ballance problems and the way they make a 200 years jump. The way above is the only I ever found to be effective.

I wasn't talking about Khaldim going up against a modern army. Rather the pointlessness of them fielding unarmoured pikes when every one of their musketeers already has a pike on the end of their musket.

Update on the Grenadiers- The AI is still using them as pikemen and they dont always spawn with a musket despite ranged being guaranteed. Odd.

Update the second - Some more progress, by adding my own custom troop with the khaldim musketeer as a base and using the pikeman's stats I was able to get them to actually always carry a musket and be able to use it. However, they still line up shoulder to shoulder in front of the muskets like pikemen. This looks pretty cool, but I want them to stand in the line with the other musketmen. How does the AI decide what to do with a specific troop type? Is it based on weapon proficiencies?

'Nother Update - Added a custom top tier troop for Khaldim thats better at melee than the sharpshooter and a better shot than the gvardia, worse than both overall but with a lower upkeep. I did this to counter the "Davashim Syndrome" I was seeing. Both troops I added are considered Pikemen by the game, I have no idea how to fix this. So you tend to get four ranks of musketeers when the AI is in charge. Result have been wholly positive though, the grenadiers don't fare any worse than the old pikemen did and they can also contribute to shooting matches. I'll see about posting the files I've got them on if anyone is interested.
Brilliant Idea with the Ishtar soldiers, and precisely the same tactic I used against Kasthind with the regiments. Just keep throwing men at them!
MrMundy said:
Alright then:
The Wage tweak is finished and aviable for download.
I am pretty sure that I changed every unit, but I might have missed some. report these please.
Regiments are not changed, becouse overwise you can flood the enemy with hundreds of Elite Units.
Its not savegame compatible and it has custom troops (2 cav units, and an expanded troop tree for sayaznid Drummers and officers).
If you dont want these two, wait for a later version of the fix.

Check OP for download.

Waka The Fox said:
Edit: also, can you fix the corpse in area or something bug that happens in ishtar cities?

Just saw this, what do you mean with this?

Randomly when you are inshtar cities or forts, just roaming around in the streets or even when in battle,
MrMundy said:
Odd, I never saw encouterd that.
But I suppose that it has to do with the Source-Code itself, which I realy dont want to touch right now. (or until I have uploaded all the fixes and updated them so that they are working propperly).

Okay. so how are things going? do you want any of the armours I made?
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