
I guess its normal, but I think I have put my frist player character into too much of a bind and didn't really make him special in any way.
I kinda just put points here and there, just making more of a general jack of all master of none kind of deal, but he is already level 26, and I don't I can save him with out investing way more time then it would be worth, because the way I see it, I would need at least 10 more levels to make him combat or leader insted of just having skills here and there.
I know that's not a good way to put it, so I will just say it like this, I put points into power draw, and have only used bows in the arena, and I have lots of skills at 1-2 like tracking, and its kinda useless for me along with trade because my other NPC heros have them, but higher.
If I start over, and figure out want I want to use, like say I just wanted to be a Heavy armored footman using a big sheild and 1hander, with a 2hander for backup and throwing weapons for some range ( ill put points into throwing and level the 1/2handers by use ) insted of what I have now, points in power draw, power throw and horse archery, but I never use a bow.
What I thought about doing ( I guess you could call it power gaming, I call it playing a role, not that it matters. ) was when I start a new game, take all the +Int picks and then putting most points into INT and the rest split betwee STR/AGI and see how that works, and level STR/AGI every level.
That way I could take skills to help keep my small force ( I like keeping my army small as I can with elite top teir troops ) alive and also have skills to help in seiges, while having some comnat skills.
This leaves room for taking prisoners and INV space, and tactics to help even the odds.
Add in a few points in trianer to help get the recruits up to speed.
But any way, how many of you have messed up your first player character because you didn't know what you wanted and how things work?
I really want to try the ablove setup, and also a pure archer, but that should give me enough combat skills to be usefull, that way I can hire the a few combat heros, with some others to help even things out.
I kinda just put points here and there, just making more of a general jack of all master of none kind of deal, but he is already level 26, and I don't I can save him with out investing way more time then it would be worth, because the way I see it, I would need at least 10 more levels to make him combat or leader insted of just having skills here and there.
I know that's not a good way to put it, so I will just say it like this, I put points into power draw, and have only used bows in the arena, and I have lots of skills at 1-2 like tracking, and its kinda useless for me along with trade because my other NPC heros have them, but higher.
If I start over, and figure out want I want to use, like say I just wanted to be a Heavy armored footman using a big sheild and 1hander, with a 2hander for backup and throwing weapons for some range ( ill put points into throwing and level the 1/2handers by use ) insted of what I have now, points in power draw, power throw and horse archery, but I never use a bow.
What I thought about doing ( I guess you could call it power gaming, I call it playing a role, not that it matters. ) was when I start a new game, take all the +Int picks and then putting most points into INT and the rest split betwee STR/AGI and see how that works, and level STR/AGI every level.
That way I could take skills to help keep my small force ( I like keeping my army small as I can with elite top teir troops ) alive and also have skills to help in seiges, while having some comnat skills.
This leaves room for taking prisoners and INV space, and tactics to help even the odds.
Add in a few points in trianer to help get the recruits up to speed.
But any way, how many of you have messed up your first player character because you didn't know what you wanted and how things work?
I really want to try the ablove setup, and also a pure archer, but that should give me enough combat skills to be usefull, that way I can hire the a few combat heros, with some others to help even things out.