1. Saving
"Save and Exit" that is used at the moment, is not good at all. Classical Load/Save would do much better.
2. Fastkeys
When pressing any of the fastkeys, such as "I" for inventory, I'd expext, that if I press it again, the menu would dissapear. Instead I have to press a separate button for that.
3. NPC's
If a player would like to cancel the conversation, for example with a tournament master, he/she has to go through all the menus and betting and end up in arena. There could be an option like "Cancel conversation" etc.
4. Main page.
I accidentaly pressed "New game" instead of loading. Had to kill the game from Task Manager. Would be more polite to use some in-game feature to move back in menus.
5. Mouse speed.
Unrealistically fast. At least players could be given a chance to regulate the speed. Me for example overturned/aimed all the time, thus making the game less playable and much harder to play.
PC crashed once, when loaded a save game and double-clicked on the town-icon.
Overall - it's a great game
. Seriously. At least the start of it
"Save and Exit" that is used at the moment, is not good at all. Classical Load/Save would do much better.
2. Fastkeys
When pressing any of the fastkeys, such as "I" for inventory, I'd expext, that if I press it again, the menu would dissapear. Instead I have to press a separate button for that.
3. NPC's
If a player would like to cancel the conversation, for example with a tournament master, he/she has to go through all the menus and betting and end up in arena. There could be an option like "Cancel conversation" etc.
4. Main page.
I accidentaly pressed "New game" instead of loading. Had to kill the game from Task Manager. Would be more polite to use some in-game feature to move back in menus.
5. Mouse speed.
Unrealistically fast. At least players could be given a chance to regulate the speed. Me for example overturned/aimed all the time, thus making the game less playable and much harder to play.
PC crashed once, when loaded a save game and double-clicked on the town-icon.
Overall - it's a great game