Finishing Rebellion Quest

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So I decided to champion Lady Isolla of Suno shortly after starting the game. My problem is that now I have all of Swadian territory conquered, but the claimant's quest keeps going. I don't know what to do anymore. If I speak with Isola, all she says is that we have 10 lords and all the territory, and Harlaus has 10 lords and no territory. Is there a set number of lords I have to coerce before the quest can end? If so, it'll be a lot of trouble.

Well, I suddenly got a notification that the Swadian faction has been destroyed, but when Isola's dialog appears, I get nothing except "NO STRING!" And now the Isola of Suno Quest is stuck there and won't end.
alun said:
So I decided to champion Lady Isolla of Suno shortly after starting the game. My problem is that now I have all of Swadian territory conquered, but the claimant's quest keeps going. I don't know what to do anymore. If I speak with Isola, all she says is that we have 10 lords and all the territory, and Harlaus has 10 lords and no territory. Is there a set number of lords I have to coerce before the quest can end? If so, it'll be a lot of trouble.
As you noticed you win when the (former) Kingdom of Swadia has no cities, castles or villages and no active units (no lords, caravans and peasants on the map).

alun said:
Well, I suddenly got a notification that the Swadian faction has been destroyed, but when Isolla's dialog appears, I get nothing except "NO STRING!" And now the Isolla of Suno Quest is stuck there and won't end.
That is a bug that sometimes happens, to my knowledge there is no way around it besides reloading a earlier save game (if you have one). But the only problem is that the quest does not vanish, everything else should work.
After the "NO STRING!" thing apears and your still on the quest, you can just speak with the Lady-person and choose the option: "About the quest you gave me..." and it should continue to "I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the quest." That makes the quest dissapear and loose about 2 relationship points  if memory serves.
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