Finished Noble Names

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First off, I am recent initiate to M&B, and having played several mods, I love love LOVE HYW above all others. Probably because it reminds me of an online HYW game I used to play, but with much snazzier interface :smile:. In any event, my one and only beef with the HYW mod is having to deal with non-historical lords in an otherwise very historical setting. I am not sure if the developers stopped transitioning the native lords to HYW period names because it is too difficult, but as a history geek, it is frustrating to me to see Lord Ugluk, Count of Anjou, etc. I would be willing to spend the time to finish editing the names if it is as easy as editing a text file. If more difficult, has anyone considered finishing off the game in this fashion? Would make my day!
Interesting that you mention it...I've been looking for someone to do this for some time. Gandalf (the original creator of the mod) said he had a list of accurate names, but unfortunately disappeared before I could get them from him. And I've been to busy with the graphics and scripts to try looking up proper names.

If you wanted to compile a list of accurate names, I would be happy to put them ingame. PM me or post them here even, if you want to do that.  :smile:
I'd been thinking about the same thing, but got distracted before I had enough of a list put together to suggest it. 

Here's what I've got together so far.  Some of the dates are a little off for the starting time of the mod, if that's a problem.  Also, some of the current nobles' names are a little vague, so I don't know if some of these are repeats or not.  They're taken mostly from my copies of Froissart, but I think I'd taken some from my Chandos' Herald and some from a handful of secondary texts on the HYW. 


Sir John Chandos (d 1370)
Walter de Manny (d 1372)
Joanna of Flanders, Duchess Montfort (d 1374) or her son, John Montfort (d 1399)
Jean III de Grailly, Captal de Buch (d 1377)
Sir John Hawkwood (left for Italy in 1363, routier)
Sir Robert Knollys (d 1407, routier)
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
Geoffrey d'Harcourt (d 1356)
Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl Warwick (d 1401)
Thomas de Vere, Earl Oxford (d 1371) or his son, Robert de Vere
William d'Ufford, Earl Suffolk (d 1382)
William Montacute, Earl Salisbury (d 1397)
Lord Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester (d 1403)
Sir Hugh Calveley (d 1393)
Thomas of Buckingham (d 1397)
Richard FitzAlan, Earl Arundel (d 1397)
Humphrey de Bohun, Earl Northampton, Earl Hereford, and Earl Essex (d 1373)
Sir Reginald Cobham (d 1361), or his son, also Reginald Cobham
Sir Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent (d 1360)
Sir Louis de Beauchamp
Sir James Audley (d 1369)
Sir Bartholomew Burghersh (d 1369)
John, Lord Mowbray (d 136:cool:
Admiral John Neville (d 138:cool:
Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland (d 140:cool:
Ralph, Baron of Stratford (d 1372)
Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk (d 1399)


Enguerrand de Coucy (d 1397)
Arnaud d'Albret (d 1401)
Louis, Duc d'Anjou (d 1384)
John, Duc de Berry (d 1416)
Philippe II le Hardi, Duc de Burgundy (d 1404)
Louis, Comte de Flanders (d 1384)
Louis, Duc de Bourbon (d 1410)
Admiral Jean de Vienne (d 1396)
Olivier de Clisson (d 1407)
Guy d'Asai, Viscomte de Narbonne
Marshal Arnoul d'Audrehem (d 1370)
The Archpriest, Arnaut de Cervole (d 1366, routier)
Geoffrey de Charny (d 1356)
Gaston Phoebus, Comte de Foix (d 1391)
Robert, Duc de Bar (d 1411)

Most of my reading has been in the earlier stages of the war, and many of the earlier leaders were dying off by 1371.  Sorry. 


ps.  Many of those same lords in need of new names could also use some new gear as well, and maybe even some new faces. 
well...this would make my day either... i got the same immersion problem of can really ruin the game experience, you know? :???:
rofl watch me use this mod as my history hw ok kids sit down and watch history with your very own eyes its not politics just blood shed on the fields ^^
Hello all,

I can certainly help as well for French lords, as I did study history (French one obviously, since I am French) and would be able to help.

Let me know,

Lille, France

No problem, let me help you. I am already working on it. I will give you the name in French (it makes mors sense) and the title in English.

Do you have a list of towns and castles for the kingdom of France ? (to link the lords to the territories)

Also, how do you deal with factions ? (Among the French for instance). Do you take them into account or not ?

Three names in that list need correcting;
Walter Mauny(instead of de Manny, I have my doubts that he still fought at that time but you could still use him if you wanted)
Sir Robert Knolles, he was a routier but also a Captain of the English, leading the expedition of 1371 that ended in the battle of Pontvallain. He had royal patents for that command.

The Earl of Salisbury is William Montague, commanded a fleet of 45 ships against the french in April 1373.

I'm still working on names and banners, but I'm a bit unsure about the types of captains to use. Many English garrisons and forces in France were led by captains who only accepted the English arms because it meant the difference between death by hanging, as a routier and treatment as prisoner of war if they were captured. For the majority of them, their arms existed only on paper. They are thus hard to find.
Vermin said:
I'm still working on names and banners, but I'm a bit unsure about the types of captains to use. Many English garrisons and forces in France were led by captains who only accepted the English arms because it meant the difference between death by hanging, as a routier and treatment as prisoner of war if they were captured. For the majority of them, their arms existed only on paper. They are thus hard to find.
Coolness, wasn't sure if you still were.  :smile:

As for banners, whatever you can find will be great, and I'll probably just fill up any gaps with generics.

Do you have a list of towns and castles for the kingdom of France ? (to link the lords to the territories)
I'd have to dig a list out of the module system.
Also, how do you deal with factions ? (Among the French for instance). Do you take them into account or not ?
At this point I'm just doing the two factions. Getting all the in-fighting would be cool, but quite time consuming.
I dont give up that easily  :razz:
I'll probably be recycling the banners from the original HYW mod, I see even Guichard d'Angle's banner is in it. I expected to have alot of work on that one. (He was a Gascon in English service btw)
Where do you study all the names and genealogy? :grin:

As for now my interest lied solely in battle and equipment description or organization with only few most important persons or their memoirs, but when I see this somehow I have strong feeling that there would be many smaller details that would be really interesting.

Could someone recommend where to find (book,internet) something about french or english nobles or other significant people from period cca 1420-1550?
Hello all,

I have realised yesterday, when checking the castles and cities of France, that the version I downloaded still had the calradia city names (Paris is Sargoth on my map).

I did try to change names in the module but it didn't work in the game (I switched in the module "parties", Sargoth into Paris but to no avail).

But at least I have the names and I see the different factions in the game (Flanders being English, as well as Guyenne) etc...So it will help me with the lords' names.

When it comes to history and genealogy, I did have in college a course on the HYW. I just need to find my notes :wink:

Lille, France

Hello Llew,

You r right. I must have downloaded the 1.010 not the latest. I will do it tonight... :wink:

By the way, I am working on the lords (French ones). Do you need 60 lords vassals to the King of France or also allied to England ?

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