Finally turned the corner

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First off, great job Armagan! This game is a real gem and most importantly, very fun to play. I don't know exactly how you got "it" right, but you did. You've created a very crazy and immersive game.

Ok, now that the brown-nosing is done, I just wanted to convey my excitement that I actually am becoming decent at this game. Three things came together that have made me hot death on the battlefield: I got my riding up to 3, I purchased a Great Lance, and I purchased a Hunter horse. After reading about couched lance damage, and learning to apply it, I am having a blast! I play exclusively in FPV and love it for the immersion factor. Any infantry men in relatively flat area are mine. I love the feel of setting up the charge, going at them, and then plowing through the group! I wish there was a key I could press so my guy would scream "Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!". I have to be careful and not let out a whooping yell while I'm doing it (would freak out the wife).

Also, when I finally figured out better party management, I went from about 7 guys to 30. So, even though a lot are low level cannon fodder, I still am a lot more formidable.

Thanks again Armagan. I've purchased a license key because I love how a couple of developers can make something more original and exciting then huge companies like EA who create a formula and then pound it into the dust. I can't wait to see how you enhance this game. It's pure fun now and I am excited about its future development.
Agree fully. My personal favourite is slicing heads with a scimitar or sabre, Cossack style. It just feels right :smile:.

man, you took what I said and almost put it exactly :razz:

FLank Sinatra said:
you can say that again, let me tell you, I've been playing games since before the original Nintendo came out (I'm 22) And let me tell you, I can't remember the last time a game has gotten me so hooked, I've wasted (hardly wasted) my entire weekeend playing this game, from sunrise to sunset, I only stopped to sleep, eat (and showered once). This game is AMAZING!! Honestly, the best $11 I've EVER spent, and that's no lie. You put money grubbing companys like EA to shame, look what a couple determined people can do. You have shown the world what a couple people can do if they are determined enough.
YEAH,. I'm having a BLAST,. (I'm more of an arrow/axe guy) but HELL YEAH !!

(I still like river pirates cuz there "squishey" in the middle!)
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