Finally bought the game! :D

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I bought the game before I even joined this forum! :razz:

Had been monitoring the forums for a few days after I had bought the game, just to see what you guys were like :wink: then decided to join in with singing the praise of the developers! LOL
Well i just bought m&b yesterday.

I have good reason too though- can you imagine what the full game's existence on my hard drive would mean for my exam studying ability?

Now that i'm finished, it's happy.
JohnathanStrange said:
86 posts and you hadn't bought the game until now? Researching it first?

Indeed! I usually get high postcounts in forums, I'm just like that :razz:.

tsuken said:
I'm glad you came to your senses

I was going to buy it from the off, but I didn't have one penny never mind 7 quid. Unemployment sucks. :razz:

weltonia said:
took your time :lol: damn good though eh?

Yes, it is damn good. :razz:

Knigght said:
Shouldnt this belong in the Introduction/Thankyou topic?

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