fighting styles

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woulden't it be awsome if you were fighting somebody[and mind you not wining]and changed your sword fighting stance and beat him to a pulp.

here's another idea they did'nt have guns back then but they did have catapults hint hint.

the game is the coolest game i have ever played
Yes and 30 seconds reload time to throw 1 rock somewhere in a ballistic course, not exactly any chances of hitting anything, quite useless to have i think.
Ilex: In english, people don't use commas for decimal places!
it's 0.1 not 0,1

I know all you germanic scandinavians like it that way, but this place isn't german scandinavia.

Wow this post was reeeaally justified.
ilex said:
EDIT: In English we write English with E, not e.

Umm, actually no you don't :p

Catapults would be an... interesting idea, trebuchets, and ballistaas well, but I think this is more in the realms of something like CastleStrike, or similar where we have.. well castles to attack.

Jez XxX
You don't? Someone has then missinformed me...

I did a search on word "english" on google and every one (in first few pages) site writes English, well English (not english).

This confuses me, for you are from England and you say otherwise. :shock:
A person speaks english as a language, and they may be from England, therefore they can be English.

I studied to be a newspaperr journalist at uni, though I did leave in the first year to be an armourer, so take with a pinch of salt, or if you feel the need check Collin's grammatical dictionary.

Jez XxX
so if any of your are still a little confused

English -the People from england

english the language

unless you start english (the Language) at the beggining of a sentence then it should be capitalized ex.
English is my favorite language.

thats all for today class remeber to read page 345-435 of English, Capital or No Capital
Call me bizzaro, and maybe a bit of a maverick, but I'm going to comment on the concept of fighting styles, rather then the rules and regulartions of our hale and hearty norman tongue.

Sometimes I do wish for different sorts of fighting styles as well, but I imagine it wouldn't be too easy (new animations for all of the weapon types would be a pain). Still, I'd love to see two sort of styles for most weapons. A 'hack-n-slash' style, for almost mindless killing in the midst of a melee where strong wide cuts are more useful. Then a 'dueling' style, against a single opponent where hitting them before they hit you is more important.
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