Fighting Kerghit in mountain terain..?

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I field mostly cavalry, simply because its fast on the main map. Yeah, I know, horses are not suppose to be that good, but then again I'm a coward who play on the easiest (with battle size on 100). Mostly I run down any enemy outnumbered 2 to 1 (meaning the enemy have 100, I have 50,  not sure if I wrote it right).

But the trouble start when I fight those damn Kergihts (yeah, I cant spell their name, but you know what I mean) in mountain terrain, where the battlefield is just ups and downs, and damn trees everywhere! I mostly beat them up rather good, but it takes forever! They are running around with me chasing them...

Anyone know how to rape them good?
Use a condom.......

No I'm kidding, first of all, cavalry isn't that good in mountainous terrain so you should have them dismount. While the Khergits can run around on their horses your men can navigate better than with their horses. Just a suggestion
The problem is, they outnumber me. I have stronger troops, both on horse and dismounted, the problem is, I have a force that ride through the enemy, and 95% get through the enemy, the 5% get hold up and keep on fighting. I ignore the enemy on horse, I aim only on their men on foot, to ride them down! Cause, in most armie the missile troops are on foot, and can be crushed in charges. So, after the first chare I aim my next charge to try to free out most of the guys that got stuck, and after 3-4 charges the battle sort of looses order if the enemy have many men on horse (if they dont have many men on horse, like Nords, the battle goes on and is resolved quickly) so we just roam around dealing with the last of their men, and it takes a while but its safe.

BUT, the Kerghit have only horsemen! Even their recruits can be on horse!! And they bloody all fire missile apart from a few! So, my tactics dont work at all : ( My Kingdom (the Vaegirs) are at war with 3 other kingdoms, and I can deal with the other too quite well, so, do you think its best to just fight those and let the damn Centaurs alone?

Do anyone here like them anyway? Havn't seen anyone with Kerghit as faction here : P
Fighting Khergits is easier in the mountains than on an open plain.

You should have all your troops on foot.

Keep in mind that while infantry units can traverse slopes fairly easily, cavalry will get hung up, nearly immobile as they inch upward. Position your units so they can catch the enemy horsemen in such areas.
I hate fighting Khergits because they're all cavalry. I hate playing as the Khergits because i'm no good as a horse archer, i hate hand to hand fighting on horseback (against large numbers) and i need infantry backup if i'm to go on foot (otherwise they just swamp me). And i can't aim to save my life as a foot archer. I just havn't got used to judging the distance for bows, if i get the distance right (the enemy AI realises this before it lands), the enemy simply takes a step sideways to dodge it  :evil:

My solution is to align myself with the Nords, or fight against the Nords. It seems like the best option if you hate the Khergits.

So I'd be better of dismounting all my troops? Sounds sick to me cause then the Kerghit would just ride around and bully my men with arrows... You know, the AI (atleast my AI) is very good as a horsearcher. But anyways, the Kerghits are smashed up good now, so I'll focus on the swads and rhods..

don´t know if it works still good with large enemy numbers or in the hills, but I generally let my cavallery follow me when I want to kill of the remaining horse enemies fast. The trick is, you can head always towards your own horse-troops and pass by them. That way you get perfect opportunities to kill the following enemies.

hope that helps.
I have the same problem what I tryd was just make a line and wait for the enemy to charge in on me... and then some will be stuck in the large amount of soldiers and then we can kill them without a problem..;

Maybe this would help...

Regards mate
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