Favorite game?

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What is your favorite game??

Mine is Dungeon keeper 1and2, might and magic 7, Heroes of might and magic 2, settlers 2, WOW(all pc).
Also the zelda games(they kick ass)!
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

Not pretty, but awesome gameplay. Very mod friendly. Open-ended.

Bad coding and ran like junk most of the time ... yet still my favorite game.
yup narc you got it right :grin:

Morrowind for me too! 3years of my life id gladly give away again :razz:
come on guys where is m&b huh??
well mine is gothic, m&b, rome tw, imperialism, hl2, homeworld (all)
lol living life... i dont have any other kind to give away :lol: but seriously that game really was the last 3 years of my life, thats why i cant wait for oblivion hopefully it will take me 4-5 years this time to find everything :wink:
and to a lesser extent: http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=3063

I don't really play many video games anymore due to college. However, when someone bugs me, I'll play some xbox.
Final Fantasy 1-9 and Tactics, Total Annihilation, Civ Series, Alpha Centauri, Master of Orion 2, Settlers 3, Ultima 6, Warcraft II, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Deadlock, SimCity 2000, Raptor: Call of the Shadows, Commander Keen series, ChronoTrigger, and I'm sure many more I can't remember right now.

M&B might get added to the list, when it is finished :smile:. It is still very good right now, but it lacks alot of the features that I'm sure its final version will have.
Pharaoh Llandy said:
Dunno, I have a few. Startopia, Pharaoh, WC3, Freedom Force, Baldurs Gate, PS:T, and so forth.

Pharoh, what a game. R:TW was pretty good, as is civ3. Pirates could have been awesome, but it lacked a lot. I brought Morrowind only recently, as a result, it ran very, very poorly, crashing every half and hour, so i didn't get quite the euphoric feeling when playing it as some of you seem to have. May get oblivion, i'm not sure. Sim city 3000 was good, but the best game of all time,

The Oregon Trail!
Wing Commander 2 (I am old :sad: )
Baldur's Gate Series
Rome: Total War
Civilization 3
Ultima Online
These are the my favorites of all time :smile:
Tribes 2 (best multiplayer FPS ever imo)
Operation Flashpoint (best Warfare game imo)
Deus Ex (just awesome for it's revolutionary/original stuff)
Beneath a Steel Sky (I love cyberpunk)
Ufo/X-COM (ohhh, strategic alien bashing, awesome)
Neuromancer (just whoa as soon as you get into the story)
Battlezone (that game gave me one hell of a you're-right-in-there feeling)
Fallout (no explanation needed I believe)
Elite and X (why can't someone make a mix out of those 2 :sad:)
The Clou (playing some kind of Gentlemen thief is nice)
Z (I laughed :grin:)
X-Wing Alliance (imo the only SW game which integrates you really)

And probably a few others which would make it easily into my personal Hall of Fame which i can't think of right now though.
Hmm... Let me see...

Civilization 1

It was the best game of its time. 2 and 3 did not show too much progress. Let us hope civilization 4 will have something revolutionary...
#1 Favourite: Quake 3

Other favourites, in no particular order:
Total War series
Quake series
Half Life series
UT series
Tribes 1 & 2
Dawn of War
Deus Ex 1
Total Annihilation
Doom 1 & 2
Mount & Blade
Dystopia (HL2 mod)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Dungeon Keeper series
Thief series
* Tribes 1 revolutioned the FPS scene by allowing fights on big landscapes, and by using vehicles together with "soldiers"
* It had, and still has, one of the best netcodes which allowed even 56k people to be a real threat
* Extremely hard learning curve - sadly, this is also the reason for it's death (not a single insta-hit weapon in the game, all the weapons need leading, and most of them have rather slow projectiles)
* Adding the Z-axis into a game by giving every soldier a Jetpack
* Additional to the Jetpack was the "skiing", which means to move you had to use the terrain arround you and slide down hills (which even made movement a skill, which not just included holding the "W" button, but seriously took a lot of practice untill you got speeds right)
* You were moving around with speeds up to 300 kph (with or without vehicles)
* An itchy trigger finger and milisecond-reactions were not as important as experience and a lot of thinking-ahead
* It's a teamplay game which needs lots of tactics and communication
* I was so addicted to it (too bad it's dead now, hardly anyone playing any more... )
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