I downloaded Rigale around 2 weeks ago, and... Wow, this was always what I wanted from Warband, the knowledges, speed settings, night travels, getting lost in forests, ambushes and especially, effects of fatigue. Feeling that you are surrounded in Sarranid desert... Rushing away from a Khergit horde... Silently moving between mountain tribe... Raising and feeding an army, having a economy, learning the Rhodok way... Working hard for buying a new armor... I will never forget my amazement when I saw the ambush scene for the first time. I was like 'OH YES I AM AMBUSHED!'.
In that short time period of 2 weeks, I had my greatest memories in Warband, and I guess I spent 2-3 complete days on Rigale only, and I must say that, this mod is exceptionally great!
My point is... Even though fatigue system is a bit hardcore, I think it should stay as it is. But camping, camping needs to be fixed really, I think the "failure" chance should be greatly reduced in the camping system. But, seeing that you are releasing it as an option, will it be save game compatible, sir?