Fast Food

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So, I ate some fast food for the first time in like three months. It completely wrecked my system. I had a headache for the rest of the day, my stomach was revolting, and I felt really sluggish.

Anyone else have a similar experience?
That's generally what fast food does. If you really need something fast, try to find a place with all organic food like Chipotle. Yeah, it's 1200 calories, but at least it is real food.
But having a burger, some fries with mayonaise once in a month isnt really bad is it?
I had a Sub from Subway a few months ago, however it wasn't really "fast food" as I kept it in the fridge at work and ate during a drive to Manchester that evening. It was just the healthiest thing that would keep and didn't need warming up.
Not necesserily Jome, depends on your diet, fitness, health.
I hate eating at fast food resteruants, but I do enjoy the very occasional fish and chips/kebab and chips.
is tasty, but I avoid it most of the time. I'll occasionally have a burger and fries with some friends, but normally I eat food that hasn't been deep-fried.
Well, I guess it should be said, I ate at Taco Bell. I guess it also should be said that I've been making my own lunches to take out with me, and I home cook a lot of my food. I'm trying to eat a lot of healthy food to gain healthy weight. I guess after eating pasta with homemade gravy, homemade sausage, fresh deli meats, home baked bread, homemade pizza,  and so on, the preservatives found in taco bell meat may have done it.

The Mercenary said:
is tasty, but I avoid it most of the time. I'll occasionally have a burger and fries with some friends, but normally I eat food that hasn't been deep-fried.

Well, I think there's a difference between fast food (McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell) and a small business burger joint.
Personally I can't see what wrong with fastfood if you pick the right places. For example kebab + salad can't be that bad.
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