SP Fantasy Fantasy Ork vs. Humans mod

should I change the Ork skin?

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all right I made a fantasy mod. It has 2 new face texures that replacce the dark man face, and the woman midage face. Veagirs are Orks, and Swadians are humans. the humans will have a new advancement tree. the humans have good calvery but thier infantry is no match for the orks. But the orks have a very weak and small calvery force. you can only get ork calvery and archers form the three steppe/snow cities (i think).

ALSO this (and i hope not the last) is the first mod two use the map editor.

the story line is: The humans were embroiled in a great war between the swadians and the veagirs. but then a new army came out of the mountains in the east, the Orks. The Orks first attack was so massive that they quickly took cities in the first day. and quickly conqured half of the continent. Now the humans have formed together to drive them out forever.


1.3 is out now
1.7 is now out


I hope that you mis-worded that and thats why it sounds the way it does. I realize that everyone has their own opinion of things, yet it might not be fair to say that there are no good mods at the moment. You might not feel that there are any ... yet maybe choosing a different way to say it would be preferable.

Mag-7 is most assuredly a good mod as a pretty large percentage of the M&B fan-base use it. There is also the larger battles mod (not really a mod per se, but many won't/can't play without it). Janus has released a small mod also (the mod that makes tournaments fun again to many) that is getting a large fan base. Plus others ...

Anyways ... it is good to see a mod that is fantasy based being released already. A good portion of the members on this board are anti-fantasy, yet anything that is expanding on vanilla M&B and possibly enticing more members must be a good thing. :grin:

Jörn said:
Is it just me or is 'Ork' usually spelt orc? Or am I missing something?
I've seen it spelled either way, though "orc" is much more common (since it was used by Tolkien). Doesn't really matter, though.

roborob said:
2. there was no other good mod at the moment.
Sniff, sniff. :cry:

Heh. To each their own opinion, I suppose. :roll:
There are plently of good mods but yes as you said Janus everyone has their own opinion. But the worst bit about what you said, roborob was, the fact that the way you said that at the end makes it sound like you think your mod is the best available. And I think thats just a stupid thing to say.
all right i didn't really mean it when i said there are no good mods at the moment. You see where I live it was like midnight so i was a little out of it at the moment. And to tell the truth I really didn't have any time yet to try the updated Mag 7 or the Zendar Arena mod. Sorry If my post offended anybody, it was not ment to, and I apologize.

Anyway back to the Mod, Ork is spelled like that because I think it sounds cooler and It is less like tolkien. I will post some screenshots soon, in about 10 minutes.
New version out

new human advancement tree, removed nomad caps from orks

new version can be found on the upload website.
srry for double posting but I just want to ask if anyone has suggestions for the mod. I kniw I want to add some new heros (although I dont know how).
roborob said:
srry for double posting but I just want to ask if anyone has suggestions for the mod. I kniw I want to add some new heros (although I dont know how).

If it isn't too much trouble, you could add some type of spearman branch to the orc upgradetree, because they get raped by cavalry charges. And the Gox riders could wear khergit armors instead of coarse tunics. would make them look a bit more feral.

Other than that, the only complaint I have is the spelling errors (beseker instead of berserker, cavlery instead of cavalry, etc.).

I played for an hour or two, and it seems great! I've always been very fond of orks. Keep up the good work.
thanks for the comments i'll try to fix the spelling in the next update, and i was thinking of adding a new branch to Orks.
i really like this. a good fantasy mod is a nice change to the original version. i like what your doing bur i have some constructive critisism.
i don't like your ork skins that much, i'm not sure who it was but someone did some very nice ork skins in the past. maybe you could use those. they should be somewhere in the mod section.
further i would also like a more ferral look to the orks.
i hope you are really going to develop this mod further because it has a lot of potential!


here they are!
version 1.3 is out

fixed some spelling errors, added a spear branch to the orcs and added some other little things
Juno said:
The orcs would look better if they were n3kk3d, or in Metal arour. They dont suit leather.

the bofy is different colour than the face, so they don't look that good. however, they do look great in nomad, rawhide, and khergit armors.
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