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F.F.C._fritz said:
(Possibly) a stupid question. I wonder, is Sven Bull Neck an historical character? Iì don't have a deep knowledge of the setting of the game, and considering that many of the characters are indeed historical...

No, Sven Bull Neck idea and dessign is based in sagas and other stories, but non historical character.
Regarding the "Boneless" - none of the seaxon sources mentions him being maimed or crippled, so he was likely flexible if this Name even is linked to his "Body".

What about Ubbe or Halfdan the Black?
Well, I recall having read that the ancient word for 'bone' was identical to that for 'leg', and so it's entirely possible that Ivar was known as Ivar the Legless, essentially. Maybe he was always drunk all the time? :grin:
  Ragnar had returned from his third raid of Engaland and wanted to shag Aslaug as soon as he got home.  Aslaug, who was something of a soothsayer, has a foretelling and tells Ragnar that if he takes her she would give birth to a monster.  Being a Goteland princess and the daughter of a famous dragonslaying Viking, he cant resist.

Ivar was concieved and born with a lower limb deformity.  As such Ragnar must abandon the child to die in a forest.  This he does, even though he loves all his children.  It was Aslaug who followed Ragnar into the woods, retrieved the newborn, and spared his life.

As one of the sons of Ragnar, Ivar the Boneless would indeed become one of the cruelest norseman in history.

This is taken from season 2 of History Channels Viking series, not really academic proof but makes great television drama.
Nobody knows for sure why he is called "Boneless" as far as I know.  I recommend watching this documentary.  I haven't seen it in a few years but I remember being entertained.  It presents one man's personal theory of the moniker.  If I had to bet, I would bet against his theory but it's a fun documentary regardless.

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