Family Lineage Script from AWOIAF into Other Mod?

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Has anyone anywhere isolated the Lineage script for use with other mods?

Specifically the script component that allows married couples to bear children and have them grow into a companion/lord. I would very much like to have this for PoP. It seems there are a small handful of mods with this functionality- Awoiaf being the only one known to me.

Probably for nought but I thought I'd ask here if anyone knows the code or knows how to isolate it. From there maybe I could finagle it into PoP.
Ah, I see. I only ever heard about this mod once...
I'm also curious about it, so I will add it to my list of projects, but I probably won't get to it any time soon. Definitely not in 2024.

I just wonder how it's supposed to work. In WB even a few months feel like a long game, and I probably never had a game longer than 1 year. That's not much of a time for people to age/grow up.
Ah, I see. I only ever heard about this mod once...
I'm also curious about it, so I will add it to my list of projects, but I probably won't get to it any time soon. Definitely not in 2024.

I just wonder how it's supposed to work. In WB even a few months feel like a long game, and I probably never had a game longer than 1 year. That's not much of a time for people to age/grow up.

I don't actually know the inner-workings of it, having been oblivious to the concept. I think I read somewhere that the ageing is accelerated or at least expedited to some extent.

I praise longevity in all the games I play. I'm a sucker for grinding and things grand in scale. I don't care all that much about the conclusion of any game, at least those bound heavily by gameplay. In my current PoP campaign my character is lvl 51 (70k kills) with my companions surpassing level 40.

One of my long-term gaols is to create an elite fighting force out of companions alone. My 10 companions (including wife) can already solo 400 strong lesser armies like Red brotherhood. It's insanely fun to watch. There is much satisfaction that comes with optimizing their gear which in context of PoP happens very slowly if you want to absolute best.

So slowly in fact that at almost 1800 days I'm not even half way there. I did recently win a reinforced ancient plate armour by way of a Noldor tournament victory, which was quickly bestowed to my lovely wife. One more piece of the puzzle in place. Felt really good about that as those tournaments are brutal. Very proud moment that by virtue complimented the roleplaying experience.

I do get an insane amount of roleplaying value from this game, or rather mod. Thankfully there are many principles and concepts from which you can derive roleplay value, And the gameplay itself is the cherry on top.
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