Resolved "Family feud" quest fails if you go to tournament before it's completion

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: "Family feud" quest fails if you go to tournament before it's completion
How to Reproduce: 1. take quest "Family feud"; 2. go to tournament (you don't have to participate, just leave it right after entering); 3. "Family feud" quest is failed long before the time expires.
Have you used cheats and if so which: no
Scene Name (if related): no
Media (Screenshots & Video): no
Computer Specs:
OS: Win10
GPU: Nvidia 1650
GPU Driver Version: latest
CPU: i3
RAM: 8Gb
Motherboard: Gigabyte 810H
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
oh btw I tried to take the guy to my party before going to tournament and tried not to take him before tournament, thought if the problem is in him in my party - in both cases the quest fails
Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
FamilyFeudIssueBehavior.FamilyFeudIssueQuest.OnMissionEnd doesn't check if the player is in the target settlement when it checks for if the player has fallen unconscious. So if you get knocked out for any reason while the quest is ongoing, you fail.
I wanted to write a new post but I can see that it has been touched upon. I lost the tournament with a family member on the team and the mission failed. Maybe it should be so, I was unconscious so someone took advantage of it.

Version number 1.9.0
Edit: Even when I won the tournament, I lost the security mission with a guy in the group.

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