Fallout and other such games

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Sergeant Knight
After seeing the thread for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, I really think it would be fun to play one of those old RPG games, which seem to have waaay more options and thought put in them compared to now.
Arcanum looks like a lot of fun, but I immediatly thought of Fallout. I loved Fallout 3, but I never had a chance to play Fallout 1 or 2, so I was wondering what game you guys would recomend? And I do not mind turn base games, Jagged Edge was probably as slow as they get.
Any game like Arcanum or Fallout would be good, but I do not want to get one and think "what a waste of $5!".

And the other reason why Fallout looks like a good choice is that there are plenty of mods to fix bugs and add stuff.
Get Fallout 1. It's the best turn based RPG I've ever played. Fallout 2 is very good too, mind you. Arcanum is great if you're into steampunk settings.

I would easily pay five times that amount of money for either of them.
Planescape: Torment. Planescape: Torment. Planescape: Torment.

It is a bit overrated, yes, and its combat system is deplorable, but the story... it is brilliant.

Also BG1/2. I am replaying the two games with this: http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?showtopic=40337 a mod which brings together a poop load of other mods and makes BG1 able to be played in the BG2 system.
Do NOT get Lionheart. Unless you want game that gives you the story for the first eighth of a game, and a combat grind to the finish.
Fallout. Then when you think you've had enough Fallout, get more Fallout.

Arcanum, Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate one and two are all also brilliant so you can't really go wrong.
Raz said:
How does the combat compare to Arcanum's?

Combat in Planescape: Torment is pretty much like Arcanum's in that it is not really the draw nor focus of the game. Though I think Torment's combat is somewhat more developed, just know the game uses DnD 2.0 rules.
What about Neverwinter Nights? I played it a bit, seemed good, though I did not like that "barbies on crack" graphical style (it is worse than oblivion). If you did not yet play Fallout, go get it. Also Wizardry VIII, nice old style rpg with an approach to newer games.
If you can tolerate even worse level scaling than Oblivion. In Oblivion, if you were level 30, you got a level 30 bandit. In Wizardry VIII (or should it be IIX?) if you're level 30, you get 300 level 1 giant rats. It's irritating as ****.

Neverwinter Nights 1 is worth it if you get the two expansions (Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark). NWN 2 likewise (Mask of the Betrayer is probably the strongest story of the lot). Advantage in both cases is the metric ****ton of community created adventures and the like.

Fallout 1 & 2 - You can probably get both fairly cheap. If you loved Fallout 3 then you'll love these two.

Torment - Greatest story writing in a game ever, and imho one of the best RPG's ever.

Baldur's Gate II + ToB if you haven't already got them are likewise worth a look.

Arcanum likewise impossible to go wrong with. Some community content, but it never really took off in the same way as NWN

Also, Vampire : Bloodlines might be worth a look too. It's an excellent game, retains a modern 3D environment (it uses the Source engine, and allows first or third person view) and for the first three quarters is one of the greatest RPG's ever. The final quarter descends into hack and slash (community patches go some way to alleviating this) but if you can persevere it's probably one of the best modern RPG's of all time.

If you like Jagged Alliance, you might also want to take a look at E5 : New Jagged Union and 7.62 High Calibre, both currently cheap at Gamer's Gate, and both "spiritual successors" to the Jagged Alliance series. Or you can get the entire UFO saga (aftermath - afterlife) for £7.99, which is a superb deal on two great and one slightly mediocre games.
Nairagorn said:
Doesn't work. The thing that makes it so irritating is that mass damage spells are horribly nerfed in Wizardy VIII. Even high level mass damage spells will often fail to cause enough damage to kill (and once you start seeing more than 30 opponents, most of the time they'll surround you so you only hit a few). Admittedly, you can have the fun of making 300 rats itchy, or blinding a few hundred plants, but it really needed some kind of "kill anything below level 10" spell you could chuck about. Or a decent scaling system. Although it is funny to see the level 30 party of hard arse ninja's running away from the horde of level 2 drunks.
Archonsod said:
Nairagorn said:
Doesn't work. The thing that makes it so irritating is that mass damage spells are horribly nerfed in Wizardy VIII. Even high level mass damage spells will often fail to cause enough damage to kill (and once you start seeing more than 30 opponents, most of the time they'll surround you so you only hit a few). Admittedly, you can have the fun of making 300 rats itchy, or blinding a few hundred plants, but it really needed some kind of "kill anything below level 10" spell you could chuck about. Or a decent scaling system. Although it is funny to see the level 30 party of hard arse ninja's running away from the horde of level 2 drunks.

Meh, dualwielding samuary will take out four-five each round. Some mass damage spells are great (and even better since they work against a group and not an area, so you can target rats all around you), especially against such opponents.

The annoying part is if you try to play with only one character, because the level scaling still works the same way, and you'll start facing level 25 opponent at level 20, several of them, since you're supposed to be backed up by lots of others. :razz:
Yeah, four or five per round, so only two hundred or so rounds to go then! The really weird thing is why he'll crit the bastards every round, and then when you're fighting an actual decent battle with say Nessie, he never manages so much as a triggered ability.
Yeah, but then you have more than one, and they too kill a few each round.

The more annoying part is when you're at the beginning of a new level group, and they spawn the biggest baddest thing just outside of the town gates when you're trying to get back to restock supplies. Or when you find an easter egg that's a labyrinth from the earlier games filled with too strong opponents and you can't find the way out. That's what got me to quit. I thought I'd figured out some awesome puzzle to get some cool weapon or something.
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