Fall damage from killed mounts?

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I was thinking there should be some fall damage implemented when a mount dies under you. For example if you are running full speed and your hourse dies and you are flung forward you should suffer some blunt damage relative to your speed.

This would add to the realism effect since many times warriors on horseback would get severely injured and crippled when falling from their mounts.

This way when you take out a Steppe Bandit whose charging full speed down the hill you can see him tumble to his doom! :twisted:
Good idea. Might be a pain to deal with, but if we can do it in a way that doesn't involve people getting frustrated at dying after falling off of a horse, cool. This might actually go well with customizable barding--that way, you won't fall off nearly as frequently as you do now (and you fall off A LOT now as a straightforward warrior-type).
I mentioned something about this like 2 days ago.


Maybe with my supremely-ultra-witty title combined with my confusing explanations caused it to be overlooked by some ;(

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