Factions names(question)

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OK, I enable in the Camp menu the "Use English faction names" but nothing happens. What does it actually do? I thought it will change the latinate faction names to English.
I have the same thing.But i'm starting to like it, i don't
know who is who. Or what wars are taking place.
The camp menu --->mod option--->english faction doesn't
do anything.

But here's the thread for english names http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,217437.0.html

I noticed this also - to get it to work you have to unrar the file "Optional English translations.rar" which you can find in Modules/dev1257/languages.

I had the same thing happen, but on my 2nd or third try of changing it to english it worked. I don't really have an explanation but it worked for me
I don't mind the names, but I'd rather they were all in their native languages as opposed to some of them being native and others being in Latin. It annoys me.
This option is obsolete and is removed from the mod. As mentioned before you need to use the optional English translation to have English names.

****erlord said:
I don't mind the names, but I'd rather they were all in their native languages as opposed to some of them being native and others being in Latin. It annoys me.

Good.  :mrgreen:
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