Factions...how can I make more pop up?

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Lord Rust

Grandmaster Knight
My settlement is getting nicely developed, the vaegirs are running around, bandits have upgraded their little pad and adventurers mucking about along with 1.000 man mercenary bands along with a few other cute game oddities i'm sure will be tweaked.

However...there are effectivly ONLY the following factions:


Of these only me, vaegir, bandit and peasant have cities....and peasants have damn near every single settlement in the game.

Making war effectivly impossible, stupid, pointless or just plain annoying.

This mod would be so viciously cool if I could get tiny little factions like my 1 settlement faction pop up all over.

Small factions that would fight and trade amongst themselves instead of just one huge peasant faction and 2 other factions with 1 worth while city each.

Is there a way around this? I absolutely love the mod but if these are all the factions i'm getting theres just not going to be a point spending any great lenght of time playing the mod.
Well besides the point that this mod is quite different than Native, this mod is still version 0.67.
But things aren't comepletely like you say, In time some of those bandit and farmer settlements should turn into their own kingdoms (but I think that is after they reach e2m2).
SXIII said:
Well besides the point that this mod is quite different than Native, this mod is still version 0.67.
But things aren't comepletely like you say, In time some of those bandit and farmer settlements should turn into their own kingdoms (but I think that is after they reach e2m2).

I was hoping for something like that, is there a way I can speed that up?

I don't mind waiting for my own settlement to grow with time but, it's getting boring setting "wait" for month after month :razz:

A few peasant towns have developed a little, I know I can cheat to make my own faction develop faster, will it work on the others aswell though?
Using the cheats help, you can activate cheats if you haven't already by using the Camp button, and then enabling cheats.  Then using "Edit settlement" option, adding mega waves of peasants speeds up every settlement growth, plus you can go to settlements and improve their economy or military levels, or just their prosperity and such.  When a settlement is e2m2, itll turn into its own kingdom if it is owned already.  Otherwise you may need to wait a month or two before someone will claim it.  Note that m1+ settlements near an existing kingdom will have a chance of joining it.

Waiting is another option, theres a cheat to significantly increase the game speed so months can pass in minutes.  Note that the bandit settlement of Charfield is usually pretty quick to form its own kingdom as well.
wickedshot said:
Using the cheats help, you can activate cheats if you haven't already by using the Camp button, and then enabling cheats.  Then using "Edit settlement" option, adding mega waves of peasants speeds up every settlement growth, plus you can go to settlements and improve their economy or military levels, or just their prosperity and such.  When a settlement is e2m2, itll turn into its own kingdom if it is owned already.  Otherwise you may need to wait a month or two before someone will claim it.  Note that m1+ settlements near an existing kingdom will have a chance of joining it.

Waiting is another option, theres a cheat to significantly increase the game speed so months can pass in minutes.  Note that the bandit settlement of Charfield is usually pretty quick to form its own kingdom as well.

I'm about 5-6 months into the game, I used edit mode to get the vanilla nations to spring up, can I get more factions or do we only get the vanilla ones?

Also, I havent found a speed cheat, where aprox is it?

Great mod btw, it obviously still has a lot of flaws but what else can be expected when you make a mod *this* large.
For future upgrades the things i'd say could be improved are, making income etc come weekly not monthly, give you a choice between the old town interface (menu shortcuts to merchants etc), speed things up a little in terms of city development (friendly and hostile, it's dull having to sit *wait* constantly and doesn't really add any difficult imo).

The coolest thing in my opinion, would be that when you setup your settlement a small horde of other heroes and champions etc set up their own sovreign settlements, making for lots of tiny lords all about struggling amongst each other, would add massive depht to the strategic element of the game.

As it is now, I just go raid bandit cities to boost the growth of my own, and poor bandits...the mercenary parties are frequently 1.000 strong now, the adventure parties 200+ np and the peasants resemble the mongol horde as a faction more than anything else :razz:

Not trying to be an ass or anything, just what I hope are constructive ideas for a mod that promises to be the best one made so far for this game.
Another problem.

I'm unable to recruit any more companions, I recruited klethi immidately when I began, but now all the other heroes have companies of several hundred and even after offering them gold I get no option for them to join me.

Any solutions?
You need space in your party for them to join as companions.  Also, paying them gold simply gains you 10 relation with them.  You need their level*2 in relation with them to join you.  Check Berpols hero list thread to find out their original levels, though they can of course gain levels over time so it could be higher.

I'm planning a few different solutions for when they have too many members, but for now your best bet is to either wait for them to lose troops in battles, or to attack them yourself, or make more room in your party for them.
wickedshot said:
You need space in your party for them to join as companions.  Also, paying them gold simply gains you 10 relation with them.  You need their level*2 in relation with them to join you.  Check Berpols hero list thread to find out their original levels, though they can of course gain levels over time so it could be higher.

I'm planning a few different solutions for when they have too many members, but for now your best bet is to either wait for them to lose troops in battles, or to attack them yourself, or make more room in your party for them.

ehm, at the moment mercenary parties are as I said 1k+ strong, just about all adventurers have at *least* 200 members in their parties and despite having cheated (export) myself to 10 leadership there's no hope in hell i'm going to be able to recruit even a tenth of the parties running around in the game atm.

Definately something that needs changing indeed, but it's managable.
Ya, I have several plans for that, but at present your only option is getting them cut down to size heh.
Oh, there is one other way to get heroes with giant parties to join you if you are a King/Queen (i.e. have a settlement thats e2m2).  If they own a settlement (i.e. are a Lord/Lady), then if you have 50+ relation with them you can ask them and their settlement to join your empire, they won't be added to your party, but they will be part of your faction.

Edit: and I just added a convo option so that if you're just a Lord/Lady, and they're just a free roam hero, and you have a relation of 50+ with them, then you can ask them to join your faction.  They won't join your party, theyll just change their party faction to yours and join you in fights and such if theyre nearby.
I'll be adding an option to hire 5 troops from a party at a time too, so if you really want you can buy 5 troops at a time and then put them in your settlement, to reduce their giant parties down to size heh, and also so you can acquire troops a new way.  I'll probably add another mechanic for them to split up their parties occasionally on their own heh.
If you really need the heroes you can export your hero, change your charisma to ridiculous levels (like 10.000) and import the character again.
As you can have 1 soldier per point of CHA this is the fastest way I know of.
wickedshot said:
Oh, there is one other way to get heroes with giant parties to join you if you are a King/Queen (i.e. have a settlement thats e2m2).  If they own a settlement (i.e. are a Lord/Lady), then if you have 50+ relation with them you can ask them and their settlement to join your empire, they won't be added to your party, but they will be part of your faction.

Edit: and I just added a convo option so that if you're just a Lord/Lady, and they're just a free roam hero, and you have a relation of 50+ with them, then you can ask them to join your faction.  They won't join your party, theyll just change their party faction to yours and join you in fights and such if theyre nearby.
I'll be adding an option to hire 5 troops from a party at a time too, so if you really want you can buy 5 troops at a time and then put them in your settlement, to reduce their giant parties down to size heh, and also so you can acquire troops a new way.  I'll probably add another mechanic for them to split up their parties occasionally on their own heh.

The problem with reputation in this game though is that all the ways of gaining it is via boring grinds, aiding in combat is very random.

And while I like the adding 5 troops from a party at a time, why not add a few other options with 10, 15, 20 etc to let you have fewer clicks.
One of the main problems with this mod is that there is a lot of clicking and running around you shouldn't have to do tbh, for example training workers for your city requires madman clicking at the start (why not just give a few options like train 5, 10, 15 or 20 and wait for the required time?), or having to first load, then ride to find a merchant, then load the merchant interface and then re-load the surface map to buy a sausage :razz: times like that I really miss *click market click goods merchant*.

Another thing though, wood and stone, does it have any use at all after your settlement is maxed out? because i found it incredibly easy to max my settlement, but now damn near my entire peasant population is a lumberjack or something like that (i got a population of well over 1.000 from raiding other large cities as they sprung up and an insane income) and they produces masses of materials I can't seem to use sell or export, when what I really need are fresh recruits.

Frankly, with how easy it was getting the resources and for how useless they seem after your city is built (which again, was very very simple), wouldn't it be better to simple have regular peasants and delete professions from the game? and rather set priorities for the peasants on what they should produce.

That way at the start you could for example say, I want 70% of you gathering wood, 20% gathering stone and 10% gathering food.

When you're done with all this you can swap it to 20% and  80% commerce boosting your gold income (not that its needed mind you, I have absolutely no clue what i'm going to do with all my gold as it is).

I also think that when you become a King/Queen you should be able to have a set number of troops extra per default, and perhaps this could be a gold sink, letting you "buy" extra army slots for the gold your settlement is generating which would enable you to compete with the other rulers and their 300+ parties.

Again, just some thoughts and ideas on your superb mod :razz:

PS. What I really really think would make this superb though, is the idea I said earlier about having lords randomly generate their own factions say 2 weeks into the game or so <3 make it a real and vibrant world where you could fight something other than bandits and maybe have to defend yourself.
They generate their own factions sensically (i.e. when they've acquired enough relation with their settlement, they claim it, when they develop it to a castle town, they start their own kingdom) rather than randomly.  Random generation is great, but it pales in comparison compared to sensical generation heh.  I plan multiple start types tho, like one where theres multiple kingdoms, and one where theres one giant kingdom, and so on.

There will be uses for wood, stone, and ore later.  And for your gatherers.  Gatherer will be trainable to appropriate Crafters.  Got a bunch of lumberjacks?  You'll be able to train some as Carpenters, who will use your Wood to provide sensical quality items for your shops.  Got a bunch of miners?  You'll be able to train some of them as Weaponsmiths, who will use your Ore to provide quality weapons for your shops.  Etc. heh

A lot of things may seem unideal at present, but rest assured much of it is foundation for later developments heh.
Oh i'm sure things will improve, its still early in development, just wanted to give you a few of my ideas on how to make the mod better as you move along and polish things, now go help me with scripts.tx  :lol:

Btw, my multiple factions idea, sensical is fine, I just think it would be cool if instead of one huge peasant faction you can't war with, you'd have a ton of (say 10-30) lords forming their own small settlement fiefdoms, these would then go down in numbers as they are absorbed by the stronger amongst themselves forming kingdoms, empires etc etc.

It makes the phases of the game more interesting, a small phase that reminds you of say norway in the viking era, small local kings fighting amongst each other becoming greater kings with earls who owe them fielty etc etc expanding their terriotiries gradually along with their armies.

Right now its actually like this, but all the little kings belong to the peasant faction so you can't actually fight with them, and they wont fight you (unless you go to war with -every- king).

I'm not saying you need to make new troop tree's for each kingdom, early viking era norway had the same tactics used by nearly all the warring factions, the native ones are fine though obviously people could contribute their own troop trees.
Peasant faction can be warred with, which makes you more like a bandit, and you need to change your strategies accordingly heh.  Peasant and Bandit factions are just like petri dishes, food for other organismations to eat to grow up heh, which also sets up a natural conflict (peasants vs. bandits).  Most people tend to go around eating all the petri and being surprised no other kingdoms were able to grow up too heh.  But this is just the barest of setups, to allow the player to take control easiest.  Other setups will be better for many players, and for now the cheats are there to help you set things up to your liking.  Ideally the setup you speak of will be possible.
wickedshot said:
Peasant faction can be warred with, which makes you more like a bandit, and you need to change your strategies accordingly heh.  Peasant and Bandit factions are just like petri dishes, food for other organismations to eat to grow up heh, which also sets up a natural conflict (peasants vs. bandits).  Most people tend to go around eating all the petri and being surprised no other kingdoms were able to grow up too heh.  But this is just the barest of setups, to allow the player to take control easiest.  Other setups will be better for many players, and for now the cheats are there to help you set things up to your liking.  Ideally the setup you speak of will be possible.

Well i've had all the native factions pop up, and i've destroyed one and seen it come back twice.

But yes, you can fight with the peasant faction, my issue was that I only wanted to warr with the next door city and its lord, not the peasants on the other side of the map aswell :smile:

Anyway, as you say this will all be getting changed eventually so it should be interesting to see how you choose to develop it.

I'm still at peace with peasants personally in my current game, i've grown my city by raiding bandit controlled towns and raiding the swadian empire until it dies, and then raiding it again when it returns under another lord, so i retain peace with all factions but bandit and swadia but grow my city and wealth.

I like the ideas you have about future resource use btw, but I think it would be nice if you could control it all via menues, and as I say choose to run several training sessions succesivly rather than having to go through the menu again and again or it's liable to get frustrating, I don't know if you're already planning that or not and I know i'm no doubt nagging but your mod has me fired up and excited, so i'm blaming you for that  :cool:
About training up workers, have you tried raising your Trade and Training skills?  Those help you train significantly more at a time.  With 0 Trade and 0 Training I understand its painful heh.  I rarely ever need to do more than 1 or 2 training session at a time, though I usually have a few points in training and sometimes some trade.

For the buying more than 5 thing, I have to balance less clicks with less menu options, so I'll experiment and listen to feedback on what seem like good amounts.  I might do like 1, 5, and 25 at a time.
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