Faction lord names open research

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I can use some help filling out the named lord roster.

Ideally the names should aim to be historic to the date. Some speculation or open suggestions would be welcome on some names, as historicity may be impossible on many. On speculation names, usage of ones that are not used by historical figures of noteriety are preferred.

Names in blue are faction leaders.

3. 11 names for Dacia. The following are already used:


1. Zoltes
2. Rhemaxos
3. Burebista
4. Dromiquetes
5. Decebalus
6. Duras
7. Rubobostes

6. 12 names for the Chremonidian League (Athens/Rhodes/Sparta) Used:

Chremonides Attikos
Agathokles Rhodios
Areus Lakedaimonios
Megadates Delphos

1. Aratus
2. Eudamidas II
3. Abantidas
4. Clinias
5. Margos
6. Acrotatus II

7. 15 names for Ptolemaic Empire. Used:

Philadelphos Ptolemaios
Meleagros Ptolemaios
Leontiskos Thraikikos
Eunostos Kypriakos
Alexadros Thraikikos
Lysandros Tanites

1. Patroclus
2. Nicomedes I

8. 15 names for Seleucid Empire. Used:

Antiochos Syriakos
Sarpedon Syriakos
Alexandros Syriakos
Andromachos Syriakos
Achaios Syriakos
Theodoros Syriakos

1. Timarchus
2. Diodotus

9. 10 names for Macedonia. Used:

Antigonus Gonatas Argeades
Kalos Argeades
Krateros Argeades
Alkyones Argeades
Alexandros Argeades
Demetrios Argeades

1. Aminias
2. Alexander
3. Hieronymus of Cardia

12. 13 names for Epirus. Used:

Alexander II

1. Taripas
2. Alcetas
3. Neoptolemus
4. Arymbas
5. Aeacides

17. 12 names for Massalia. Used:

Apollodoros Euripides


18. 13 names for Syracuse. Used:



21. 13 names for Cyrenacia. Used:


1. Demetrios Kalos
2. Arkesilaos
3. Battos
4. Kallimachos
5. Mnasikles

22. 14 names for Pergamon. Used:


1. Eumenes I
2. Stratonice

For Roman Republic

Lucius Amellius Barbula
Lucius Artorius Castus
Appius Claudius Caudex
Gaius Claudius Nero
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Fabius Maximus
Publius Claudius Pulcher
Tiberius Coruncanius

They were all generals and alive around 268 BC
Dennel C said:
For Roman Republic

Lucius Amellius Barbula
Lucius Artorius Castus
Appius Claudius Caudex
Gaius Claudius Nero
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Fabius Maximus
Publius Claudius Pulcher
Tiberius Coruncanius

They were all generals and alive around 268 BC

Please refine that list. You've posted a few who were just born on 268, some being born later, one of them being 12. You've also posted the Roman from which the mythical Arthur may have been derrived.

Help me, don't hinder me please.

as far as the belgae are concerned, they weren't a unified people in 268 b.c., but there were some major tribes:
- mainlanders - (didn't find a lot on britain's belgae)
    * Ambiani Sea-faring nation dwelling along the valley of the Samara (Somme), and on the eastern Belgic coast of the Oceanus Britannicus (English Channel), where it narrows towards the Fretum Gallicum (Straits of Dover). Their tribal capital was Samarobriva, now Amiens on the banks of the Somme, in the Picardy region of France.
    * Atrebates Bordered to the north, south and west by the sea-faring nations the Menapii, the Ambiani and the Morini respectively, and on all other sides by friendly Belgic states. Their tribal capital was Nemetacum, now known as Arras, on the Scarpe River in the Artois region of northern France.
    * Catalauni Occupying the central Plaine de Champagne along the upper valley of the Matrona (Marne), this tribe bordered with the Gallic Tricasses to the south and south-west, and the Germanic Lingones to the south-east, but was surrounded on all other sides by friendly Belgic states. Their tribal capital was Durocatalaunum (Châlons-sur-Marne, France).
    * Leuci Inhabited the uplands of the Lorraine, between the upper reaches of the rivers Mosella (Moselle) and Mosa (Meuse). Though supported by the friendly Belgic Mediomatrici and Catalauni to the north and west, they were surrounded by the Germanic Raurici, Sequani and Lingones to the east, south-east and south. Their tribal capital was Tullum (Toul, France), on the Moselle.
    * Mediomatrici Inhabited the upper valley of the Mosella in the northern Lorraine, between the Treveri in the north and the Leuci to the south, they also bordered with the Germanic Nemetes on the east. Their tribal capital was Divodurum (Metz, France), on the Moselle.
    * Menapii Inhabited the southern shores of the Oceanus Germanicus (North Sea) in the area now known as Flanders which lies mostly in Belgium, though their tribal capital Castellum Menapiorum, was at Cassel in France.
    * Morini Occupied the territory nearest to Britain, overlooking the Fretum Gallicum (Strait of Dover), their major towns were Gesoriacum/Bononia and Tarvenna, known nowadays as Boulogne and Thérouanne, both in the Artois region of France.
    * Nervii A powerful tribe of central Belgica, bordering on the north with the minor Germanic tribe the Texuandri, but supported on all other sides by their Belgic neighbours, notably the eastern Tungri and the western Atrebates. Their tribal capital lay at Bagacum, now Bavai near Maubeuge, on the upper Sambre in France.
    * Remi Occupied the northern Plaine de Champagne on the southern fringes of the Ardennes, between the rivers Mosa (Meuse) and Matrona (Marne), and along the river valleys of the Aisne and its tributaries the Aire and the Vesle. They were surrounded on all sides by friendly Belgic states, and their tribal capital was at Durocortum (Reims, France), on the Vesle.
    * Treveri This important tribe inhabited the lower valley of the Mosella, within the southern fringes of the vast Arduenna Silva (Ardennes Forest). They were bordered on the north, west and south by the friendly Belgic tribes the Tungri, the Remi and the Mediomatrici, respectively, while to the east were the Germanic Vangiones. Their tribal capital Colonia Augusta Treverorum (Trier, Germany), was also the site of a Roman colony, and the provincial capital of Belgica itself.
    * Tungri Occupied the lands of the northern Arduenna Silva (Ardennes), along the lower valley of the Mosa (Meuse). They shared borders to the north and east with Germanic tribes, but were bolstered by the Belgic Nervii on the west and the Remi and Treveri to the south. Their tribal capital lay at Atuatuca, modern Tongeren in the Limburg district of Belgium.

i'll try to find the kings of these tribes during 268 b.c.
Some of those Gaulish names are weird... they seem to mean things like "red feast" or "join a hostage". Where do they come from? Here are 15 names from inscriptions and coins:

Abucatos, Adgennorixs, Adressos, Carugenos, Diasulos, Durnos, Lugurixs, Meddus, Nertoualos, Orgetorixs, Samoricos, Segomaros, Suticos, Turonos, Ulidorixs

These are 12 names for the Belgae from inscriptions:

Aesugeslos, Argiotalos, Belatullos, Caddimaros, Carantusaros, Docnimaros, Dubniccu, Esunertos, Gangussos, Maclonos, Sintorixs, Taliounos

For the Brigantes, we don't have as many attested names. I can find 10:

Brigomaglos, Catugnauos, Congennicos, Iliomaros, Nantonios, Nextovelios, Orbiotalos, Rianorixs, Tancorixs, Uellocatos

Plus, these two are from Ogham inscriptions, for the Irish branch:
Biracas, Lugudeccs

concerning Taurican city-states - who's Hilarion Hippocrates? can't find any relevant references.
as a faction leader i'd suggest Paerisades II Spartocid who was Basileus of Bospor Kingdom (with the capital at Panticapaeum) at the time.

also, Scythian king Gnurus lived in VII b.c.
known scyth kings closest to our timeframe would be Ateas (IV b.c.) and Skilurus (III - II b.c.)
Weaver said:
concerning Taurican city-states - who's Hilarion Hippocrates? can't find any relevant references.
as a faction leader i'd suggest Paerisades II Spartocid who was Basileus of Bospor Kingdom (with the capital at Panticapaeum) at the time.

I think Hilarion was maybe a name out of the name generator. Though I could say that I had done some research on the matter of Crimea or Chersonesos to come to that name, the source eludes me in a sea of links, so Paerisades II will do.

Weaver said:
also, Scythian king Gnurus lived in VII b.c.
known scyth kings closest to our timeframe would be Ateas (IV b.c.) and Skilurus (III - II b.c.)

Gnurus was maybe picked on it being a reoccuringn name without too much significance.

You have more info on Skilurus? Wiki says he was son of a king and father of a king. Should serve right if we can find the name of his father, then we should have our man.
Names for Iberia:

Indibil (King of the Illergetes)

Mandonio (Chief of the Ausetani)

Viriathus (or Viriato, chief of the Lusitanians. He lived in the II century B.C., but I guess he was not the only one with that name).

Edeco (king of the Edetani)

Breogan (King of the Gallaeci. He only appears in legends, but, as before, others could use that name).*

Brath (father of Breogan).*

Ith and Bile (sons of Breogan).*

*Those names are celtic, from tribes that invaded the north of Iberia between the X and VI centuries B.C.

You can check this also. There is a section for iberian personal names in this article:

Sorry for the double post, but in Carthaginian names, where it says "Hamalcar" and "Hasdrabul", I think the correct names are "Hamilcar" and "Hasdrubal".

Other carthaginian names:

Hanno (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanno_the_Great)

Bostar (he is named as a general in this battle fought in 255 BC). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Adys)

Ad Herbal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_Herbal)

Xanthippus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthippus_of_Carthage)

Alexon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexon)

Autaritus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autaritus)
Sir Nigel said:
Sorry for the double post, but in Carthaginian names, where it says "Hamalcar" and "Hasdrabul", I think the correct names are "Hamilcar" and "Hasdrubal".

Yeah those are typo's on my behalf. Thanks for pointing that out.

Xanthippus I already have in game as a recruitable hero
Ith, Brath and Breogan are names from Irish legend and not much use here. Celtiberian (as opposed to Iberian) names are harder to come by than Gaulish or British ones, partly because they put the names of towns on a lot more inscriptions than the names of people. They include Abulos, Elazunos, Letontu, Melmu, Mezukenos and Tirtanos.
You have more info on Skilurus? Wiki says he was son of a king and father of a king. Should serve right if we can find the name of his father, then we should have our man.
well, that's a bit tricky, because everything we know about scythian royalty we know from greek sources. III b.c. was the precise time of full-fledged sarmatian onslaught on Scythia, which forced scyths to move to Crimea. and Skilurus is the first king of Scythia Minor we know about because he was the one who made Scythian Neapolis his capital, united other tauric scyth cities and started to war with tauric greek colonies. so basicly we only know him and his son Palacus because they messed with Chersonesos and Pontus. and the guy who was in charge of Pontian army (Diophantus of Sinope) wrote home about scyth kings, cities and somesuch. so from his writings we know Skilurus, we know his son, but there's no way to find out his dad's name.  :sad:
wikipedia has a list of "native names" that some of the later kings were named, i figure if they are native names, that means they probably are fair game.

Sauromates, Eupator, Ininthimeus, Pharsanzes, Synges, Terianes, Theothorses and Rhadamsades

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosporan_Kingdom said:
Tiberius Julius Aspurgus (8 BC - 3:cool:, founded a line of kings which endured with certain interruptions until 341. These kings, mostly bore Pontic and Thracian names such of Kotys, Rhescuporis and Rhoemetalces. The kings also bore natives names such as Sauromates, Eupator, Ininthimeus, Pharsanzes, Synges, Terianes, Theothorses and Rhadamsades. The Bosporan Kings assumed the Roman name Tiberius Julius from an earlier king Tiberius Julius Aspurgus. Aspurgus assumed the name Tiberius Julius, because he enjoyed the patronage of the first two Roman Emperors Augustus and Tiberius. Then their third name was either a Pontic or Thracian or local name. From Aspurgus, they were descendants of King Mithridates VI of Pontus. From the Pontic era (starting from 297 BC) introduced by Mithridates, the kings regularly placing dates upon their coins and inscriptions. The kings struck coinage throughout the kingdom period, which included gold staters bearing portraits of the respective Roman Emperors. However this coinage increasing became debased in the 3rd century. Hence, we know their names and dates fairly well, though scarcely any events of their reigns are recorded. Their kingdom covered the eastern half of Crimea and the Taman peninsula, and extended along the east coast of the Maeotian marshes to Tanais at the mouth of the Don, a great market for trade with the interior.
Indibil and Mandonio were two iberian kings during the Second Punic War and allies of the Carthaginians(at least initially)... It´s not perfectly historical accurate but I think you can use it  :grin:
Coribilo - 192 bc
Olindico - 170 bc
Retogenes Caraunio - 133 bc
Viriato - 154 bc

1. Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges
2. Lucius Iulius Libo
3. Spurius Carvilius Ruga
4. Marcus Atilius Regulus
5. Manius Valerius Maximus Corvinus
6. Gaius Duilius
7. Publius Claudius Pulcher
8. Tiberius Coruncianus
9. Appius Claudius Caudex
10. Marcus Fulvius Flaccus
ealabor said:
Sidus Preclarum said:
What, no Hannibals ?


Well, put them in.
Both the Rhodian and Gisco.

Problem with the  damn carthies, is that their whole bloody onomastic apprently is comprised of a grand total of something like 10 names. And not all have nicknames, like Hannibal the Rhodian or Hannibal Gisco.
I can think of at least 3 different Hamilcars for the 1st punic war, and the only one of the with a nickname, the famous barcid, is like 7 years old in 268 :/
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