Sergeant at Arms

Even if some of the current M&B symbols could fit, the best would be to get several new symbols that would go on shields, and eventually on banners (they could be a bit like in 867AD mod but with a different shape).
Comes mostly from Ranika and Spongly research for ATW, a long time ago in 2005! Many thanks to them.
Urien's banner
A raven.
Gwallawc Marchawc Trin's banner
A horse (his nickname being "the battle horseman")
Ruiderch's banner
Golden griffon on blue background.
Variant (for another lord)
"At peace, they would display on their battlements a great shield with a twined serpent below a sword or cross."
Galwyddel lords
they make their banner of a yellow lion upon a patch of grass, against white,
or a red hound with three broken swords and a broken shield below him.
Mynyddog banner - green banner with three crossed spears, with a broken sword under it.
Variant (for a lord) - boar with a spear below it.
Constentant banner - wolf clutching a broken sword in its mouth.
Those are from the Notitia Dignitatum.

Felices Honoriani seniores

Celtae seniores et 

Aedan's banner
White lion on red background, bordered by yellow thistles.
Variant (winter banner):
"In the winters, the banner would be withdrawn and replace with the second banner of the king, that bearing a great brown bear, rearing and set against a dark tree on a blue field, and that would be what the bearers of the king would carry."
Fibbian lord
Great white triskelion on brown background with the images of a hound under and a hawk above, and a cross on both sides.
King's banner - sun (representing the king) over a grouping of animals
Wodan's knot.
ATW symbols
Those could help.
Comes mostly from Ranika and Spongly research for ATW, a long time ago in 2005! Many thanks to them.
Urien's banner
A raven.
Gwallawc Marchawc Trin's banner
A horse (his nickname being "the battle horseman")
Ruiderch's banner
Golden griffon on blue background.
Variant (for another lord)
"At peace, they would display on their battlements a great shield with a twined serpent below a sword or cross."
Galwyddel lords
they make their banner of a yellow lion upon a patch of grass, against white,
or a red hound with three broken swords and a broken shield below him.
Mynyddog banner - green banner with three crossed spears, with a broken sword under it.
Variant (for a lord) - boar with a spear below it.
Constentant banner - wolf clutching a broken sword in its mouth.
Those are from the Notitia Dignitatum.

Aedan's banner
White lion on red background, bordered by yellow thistles.
Variant (winter banner):
"In the winters, the banner would be withdrawn and replace with the second banner of the king, that bearing a great brown bear, rearing and set against a dark tree on a blue field, and that would be what the bearers of the king would carry."
Fibbian lord
Great white triskelion on brown background with the images of a hound under and a hawk above, and a cross on both sides.
King's banner - sun (representing the king) over a grouping of animals


Wodan's knot.
ATW symbols
Those could help.