Face smashed in by losing in a battle

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Grandmaster Knight
I was just thinking, that maybe if a player loses a battle and gets knocked unconscious, there could be a random chance of something happening to his face.

This 'something' can include: losing teeth, getting scars in various places, having a nasty gash that goes through the eye so you only have one eye. (like one of those faces in hugemod i think) or getting your nose broken and wonky.

These effects would only be cosmetic, but they would be permanent.

any thoughts?
Maybe instead of when you lose a battle every time, however, perhaps when you lose it by a certain amount. Or when you take something like a spear to the face, or such. I can certainly imagine a headshot from an arrow to the face leaving some nasty scar, or taking out an eye.
Hmmm, intriguing. I've wanted us to have dented armor and shields, mud on our boots, and such.

But, scars? Hmmm, hmmmm. I shall discuss it with Borcha and Marnid: I'm afraid they'll be more affected than I, what with Borcha and Marnid always taking one for the team every battle.
That'd be cool... If you want to preserve your appearance you have to learn to fight quickly... Although it shouldn't affect you in training and the the arena.
Interesting thought about clothing too. Perhaps rusty/tattered/whatever armour can have a different skin. There could be a chance of a normal quality item becoming less than normal quality.

The marnid/borcha thing would be a problem, yes. Perhaps the chances of them getting it would be much lower than yours.
I'm not so sure about the scarred face and all. Sure, it would be cool to have a scar on your cheek and remember 100 battles later that it was from a blasted river pirate with a kitchen knife. But can you imagine what a level 50 character would look like, no matter how good you are? Maybe if it was temporary it would be cool. But after a while your face would be one big massive scar and would look something like the elephant man. But when it comes to shields an armor, that sounds like a great idea, because you can always replace that at least.
How about damage/wound decals or different pain skins reflecting how hurt someone is?

Say have a little bloody gash wherever your sword hits or at the point of entry of an arrow.
Like this idea. For instance, if you get hit in the leg loads your athletics skill could be lowered and you run slower.
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