Face Code Question! (M&B 1.011)

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Sergeant Knight at Arms

* Is there a way, at the start of the game, to set a specific troop's face code, to the one the player chose at the start of the game for their character?
(str_store_troop_face_keys, s1, "trp_player", 0),
(troop_set_face_keys, "trp_the_other_troop", s1, 0),

Reading header_operations from time to time or just searching for key words there can be pretty useful.  :wink:
Looks like that is just for Warband - I should have specified M&B 1.011 - any idea how to accomplish this in old M&B?

I did check header_operations and didn't see anything, which is why I posted.
Interesting, I am actually adding Archaeologist as a character creation choice on Solid and Shade, very soon...

And at this point, I may be the only one left. Ah, meta necromancy.
Don't count us out!

However, I do think we are more like Dr. Frankenstein than archeologists though, as we are making our updates to TLD compatible with 1.011 (as much as possible)  :party:

Keep up the great work, N0ught!
N0ught said:

* Is there a way, at the start of the game, to set a specific troop's face code, to the one the player chose at the start of the game for their character?

maybe you should try to explain what you are trying to do and why. There is always a chance of a workaround (tech stuff) or a change in design (suggestions) that could solve your problem.
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