Need More Info Extra Tournament Dead body

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Summary: Quite a funny one actually, probably doesnt need to be fixed. But if you win a fight, e.g 2X2, and you and your team mate survive, then after battle victory but before the round ends if you kill your teammate with a jav to the head, in the next round with you vs them, their dead body from the last round is still on the ground. :grin: I have fought two final rounds this way.
How to Reproduce: Talk to guy for quest
Quest/Settlement Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Media (Screenshots & Video): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....220/618B24C29812B38D77CE340AD0FD36BB03C68C8C/

Version: 1.0.3
Computer Specs:
OS: Win 10
GPU: GTX 1070 ti
CPU: i5-8600
Motherboard: GIGABYTE B360N WIFI Socket 1151/H370/DDR4/S-ATA Motherboard
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
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