Extra horses and Such concernig trade

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I believe that the way tradeis handled is a bit unrealistic. Let say I max out my trade and management skill, how can one man on one horse carry 15 barrels of ale? I saw to increase the slots we need an extra horse. Also, if we have an extra horse, we shoulnd tbe slowed down as much, as both horse would nw run faster than one horse loaded down with so much.

Thank you for your time,
Boris Pavlov Grozny
You're right. It would be good if maxium weight the party can carry is determined by the number of men and horses the group has. But the number of items is capped with inventory management.
@ borispavlovgrozny = Two things ...

First = I agree ... it would make it much more realistic to have inventory and the amount of items be tied into the amount of men/horses. I am unsure of the amount of micro-management that would take. No matter how 'realistic' the game is, there will always be things that could be changed to make it even more so. Eventually realism has to take a back-seat, so to speak, for fun gameplay. I do agree with you though ... I think inventory management could be made more realistic using your idea, or one very similar, without it interrupting gameplay. :grin:

Second = Not sure if asking this is appropriate (and if it isn't ... someone please inform me so I can fix/remove this part of my post) ... but is there any way that you can use a smaller version of your avatar? If asking this is wrong/offensive ... I apologize. Its just that the avatar is so large that it makes the text area considerably smaller.


wow that's a big avatar :lol: And yes it's too big, can you make it smaller yourself or should someone help you out with that?

I suppose you could use your imagination and say "for each skill point I put in inventory management, I get a free packhorse". Maybe rename the skill to packhorse management :wink: perhaps even donkeys, which you can't ride into battle.

edit: Maybe each skill point should give you a "packhorse" or "packdonkey" slot. Those packhorses/donkeys can then be bought at a store for about as much as the cheapest riding horse.
That just shows you that search isn't always your friend!  :lol:

Barton ... take a glance at the last post of a thread to determine if it has died a quiet and peaceful death next time.  :wink:

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