Haydon Jurai
I've conquered three factions. To help me do so, I refused to ransom off the enemy lords, once I realized that ransoming them off meant they were facing me in battle pretty soon, and made the last few sieges with multiple enemy parties much more difficult.
Now I'm stuck with all the lords and kings from those factions. Sure, now and then, one escapes, but their families are no longer trying to ransom them. Just like lords might ransom one another as a point of honor, so too their noble families aren't slaughtered. They'd still be able to come up with enough funds to put up some ransom for their disgraced lord. They might not be allowed to own land any longer, but they're still of noble birth, and would be treated as such. Instead, they're just rotting away in my prisons. I can't let them go free, kill them, or offer to let them swear fealty to either me or my liege lord. (I've noticed now and then that an escaped prisoner will change factions eventually.)
Without modifying the game, by the time they all escape and changes factions, my character would be too old to continue, and I might as well.
I'd like to see more options for interacting with Lords. In addition, I don't think its fair to take an honor hit when you refuse to ransom a lord for a faction you're at war with. I believe the tradition was to ransom nobles during times of peace, or to make them swear an oath not to take up arms against you again. Letting them go knowing they're just going to raise another army to face you is pretty dang crazy. Even if that *is* historical, its been said many times that M&B is a fantasy game, and it would be more fun to allow this. I'd also like to be notified how my decisions will effect my stats.
Perhaps your options read something like:
".... You are at war with this faction....
Reject the offer (no honor loss during war; -5 honor during peace)
Accept the ransom (+10 honor during war; +5 honor during peace)
Kill the prisoner (-10 honor during war; -20 honor during peace; -20 relation)"
Of course, Kings would bring greater rewards/hits.
Someone also mentioned in one post the option to torture lords for info. I don't know that I'd want that for Lords, but for regular prisoners, I could see some torture and execute options being viable. The highest military people could provide info, only good for a short while, of course. Better quality and/or more accurate info if tortured at a castle: trade prices, location of armies, caravan locations, garrison amounts, village incomes. Public executions in villages and towns could increase your relation with the town if allied, or harm it if not allied. In addition, mounting heads on pikes outside your castle could hurt attacker morale. However, take things too far, and execute too many people, and it might hurt your relations and honor.
Now I'm stuck with all the lords and kings from those factions. Sure, now and then, one escapes, but their families are no longer trying to ransom them. Just like lords might ransom one another as a point of honor, so too their noble families aren't slaughtered. They'd still be able to come up with enough funds to put up some ransom for their disgraced lord. They might not be allowed to own land any longer, but they're still of noble birth, and would be treated as such. Instead, they're just rotting away in my prisons. I can't let them go free, kill them, or offer to let them swear fealty to either me or my liege lord. (I've noticed now and then that an escaped prisoner will change factions eventually.)
Without modifying the game, by the time they all escape and changes factions, my character would be too old to continue, and I might as well.
I'd like to see more options for interacting with Lords. In addition, I don't think its fair to take an honor hit when you refuse to ransom a lord for a faction you're at war with. I believe the tradition was to ransom nobles during times of peace, or to make them swear an oath not to take up arms against you again. Letting them go knowing they're just going to raise another army to face you is pretty dang crazy. Even if that *is* historical, its been said many times that M&B is a fantasy game, and it would be more fun to allow this. I'd also like to be notified how my decisions will effect my stats.
Perhaps your options read something like:
".... You are at war with this faction....
Reject the offer (no honor loss during war; -5 honor during peace)
Accept the ransom (+10 honor during war; +5 honor during peace)
Kill the prisoner (-10 honor during war; -20 honor during peace; -20 relation)"
Of course, Kings would bring greater rewards/hits.
Someone also mentioned in one post the option to torture lords for info. I don't know that I'd want that for Lords, but for regular prisoners, I could see some torture and execute options being viable. The highest military people could provide info, only good for a short while, of course. Better quality and/or more accurate info if tortured at a castle: trade prices, location of armies, caravan locations, garrison amounts, village incomes. Public executions in villages and towns could increase your relation with the town if allied, or harm it if not allied. In addition, mounting heads on pikes outside your castle could hurt attacker morale. However, take things too far, and execute too many people, and it might hurt your relations and honor.