Exporting Characters

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Hello there,

I have recently been trying to export my character out of M&B to do some editing on it, However I can't seem to make it work, any suggestions?

BTW I go Character>Statistics>Export> and it gives me an okay message, so I close M&B and open the CharExport file in the C:// Directory, but all I see is a text file with false instructions on how to export/import.

Help would be greatly appreciated
simple fix to your problem.  :mrgreen:
try EXPORTING your charecter under statistics first, THEN open the file.  :lol:
Err, Mega,  I seem to be exporting them successfully, however I can't find the character in the CharExport file.
Thanks for the help though
Out of curiosity, have you done a search on your C: drive for a file that contains your character's name?

Is it not exporting at all or simply being put into the wrong location?

To check for successful export simply start a new game under the same name and import. If it imports then your good. Since characters are not mod specific the file is in the root, if that helps.

EDIT Um just go to M&B\CharExport\%nameofcharacter.txt% That is a file containing the stats of your character.

This makes character stats irrelevant then doesn't it. Self control is all that's keeping me from really f-ing up the whole of the world...
hmmm, I started a new game and I successfully uploaded my character, however it seems to be hiding away somewhere, where I can't find it
Found mine in "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mount and blade\CharExport".  Seems like a very easy way to bump your skills up. :razz:

Anyway, maybe you have to import it first or something silly like that, because I swear it was empty the last time I looked. :/
export, modify, import.  :roll: course i never do that, i only put 6 skill points in because it wont save my 12 hp skill thingie, my 12 power strike and 12 power draw.  :lol:
I was messing around today and accidentally overwrote a lvl 42 with a lvl 40 char... This knowledge can in useful.
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