[Exploit] Training Grounds Refresh Your Health

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Summary: When you go to the training grounds and start a training, for the purpose of the training, your health is regenerated. This, however, becomes permanent if you leave the training after you refill your health bar. This is also valid for other way around, meaning that if you take hits during the training, your health is permanently damaged.
How to Reproduce:
1- Visit the training grounds.
2- Start a training with a trainer (I only tried 2h swords training with a trainer, therefore, I am not sure whether it is valid for other types of training too).
3- Your health is regenerated to %100.
4- Press TAB and leave the training.
5- You have %100 health.
Quest/Settlement Name (if related): -
Media (Screenshots & Video): -
Version: 1.0.7
Computer Specs: via Geforce Now
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