Experiencing severe sttutering in game

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First I want to thank the developers for making such a great game.
I am trully enjoying this game, running in the full version.
But I have a problem.
Every time when I fight a battle, sttutering and lag gets more severe and severe.
For example first battle I fight after launching the game is smooth, but from about the 3rd battle I fight I start experiencing sttutering and soon the FPS drops to 1 digit.
Weirdly, re-launching the game doesn't eliminate the sttutering, so I have to restart the computer to play the game again without sttutering.
And sometimes after it gets sttutering, the monitor turns into the blue screen with a message something about cwcwdm.sys caused the windows to shutdown prevent damage to computer, and this cwcwdm.sys is 1 of the file in my sound card driver.
Is anyone having this sort of problem?
My guess it has something to do with the sound card(DMX Xfire 1024), but I have no clue why.
I tried using diffarent videocard drivers, reducing the hardware acceralation of the sound card, trying disable_frequency_variation option but none of them fixes the sttutering.
I feel I'm at a deadend, so I would appreciate any advice.
FYI I'm using P4 2.4Ghz, 512MB RAM, Ti4200 with a DMX Xfire 1024 soundcard as I mentioned above.
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